Intervención del terapista respiratorio en paciente masculino de 52 años con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.
Rizzo Suñiga, Irma Milena
The COPD is a progressive chronic disease that worsens over time, for which there is no cure but there are ways to improve its condition and delay the damage caused by it, it occurs above all in smokers although it also appears in people exposed to gases Harmful to the respiratory system. The main symptoms that this pathology presents are shortness of breath or Dyspnea and Cough that can be productive, the way in which it is diagnosed results from a series of examinations and diagnostic tests and the treatment consists of administration of medications in the airway as well as as well as the implementation of oxygen to correct dyspnea, improve their quality of life and above all to quit smoking. The COPD is a progressive chronic disease that worsens over time, for which there is no cure but there are ways to improve its condition and delay the damage caused by it, it occurs above all in smokers although it also appears in people exposed to gases Harmful to the respiratory system. The main symptoms that this pathology presents are shortness of breath or Dyspnea and Cough that can be productive, the way in which it is diagnosed results from a series of examinations and diagnostic tests and the treatment consists of administration of medications in the airway as well as as well as the implementation of oxygen to correct dyspnea, improve their quality of life and above all to quit smoking. La EPOC es una enfermedad crónica progresiva que empeora con el paso del tiempo, para la cual no existe cura pero si existen medios para mejorar su condición y retrasar los daños provocados por esta, se presenta sobretodo es fumadores aunque también aparece en personas expuestas a gases nocivos para el aparato respiratorios. Los principales síntomas que presenta esta patología son la falta de aire o Disnea y la Tos que puede ser productiva, la manera en que se diagnostica resulta de una serie de exámenes y pruebas diagnósticas y el tratamiento consta de administración de medicamentos en la vía aérea, así como también la implementación de oxígeno para corregir la disnea, mejorar su calidad de vida y sobretodo el abandono del cigarrillo.