Conducta Obstétrica en primigesta de 17 años con oligohidramnios severo y embarazo de 24.2 semanas de gestación.
Mantilla Jumbo, Kelly Michael
Oligohydramnios is defined as abnormally low volume of amniotic fluid, below 5.0 cm or less. An adequate volume of amniotic fluid is essential to allow normal fetal movement and growth, cushion the fetus from shock or trauma, and the umbilical cord. Decreased blood pressure can lead to fetal deformation, compression of the umbilical cord, and death. Among the fetal malformations, they found bilateral polycystic kidneys, horseshoe kidneys, and bladder. In a study by Spiro, Germany, he found that hydronephrosis and cystic kidney disease were the most common deformities. The existence of oligohydramnios should make us suspect that the main cause is fetal renal malformation, because it is related to a reduction in fetal diuresis and a reduction in amniotic fluid production. The case of a 17-year-old patient is presented who goes to the emergency by her own means conscious, oriented in time and space, collaborates with the interrogation, arrives in the company of a mother-in-law. Patient who underwent obstetric ultrasound for control in which they report: single pelvic product, left back, posterior fundic placenta grade 0, fetal weight of 845 grams, and an ILA less than 1 cc, and polycystic kidneys. Oligohydramnios is defined as abnormally low volume of amniotic fluid, below 5.0 cm or less. An adequate volume of amniotic fluid is essential to allow normal fetal movement and growth, cushion the fetus from shock or trauma, and the umbilical cord. Decreased blood pressure can lead to fetal deformation, compression of the umbilical cord, and death. Among the fetal malformations, they found bilateral polycystic kidneys, horseshoe kidneys, and bladder. In a study by Spiro, Germany, he found that hydronephrosis and cystic kidney disease were the most common deformities. The existence of oligohydramnios should make us suspect that the main cause is fetal renal malformation, because it is related to a reduction in fetal diuresis and a reduction in amniotic fluid production. The case of a 17-year-old patient is presented who goes to the emergency by her own means conscious, oriented in time and space, collaborates with the interrogation, arrives in the company of a mother-in-law. Patient who underwent obstetric ultrasound for control in which they report: single pelvic product, left back, posterior fundic placenta grade 0, fetal weight of 845 grams, and an ILA less than 1 cc, and polycystic kidneys. El oligohidramnios se define como volumen anormalmente bajo de líquido amniótico, por debajo de 5,0 cm o menos. Un volumen adecuado de líquido amniótico es fundamental para permitir el movimiento fetal normal y el crecimiento, amortiguar el feto de golpes o traumas y el cordón umbilical. La disminución del mismo puede conducir a deformación fetal, compresión del cordón umbilical y muerte. Entre las malformaciones fetales, hallaron los riñones poliquísticos bilaterales, los riñones en herradura y la vejiga. En un estudio realizado por Spiro, Alemania, encontró que la hidronefrosis y la enfermedad renal quística eran las deformidades más comunes. La existencia de oligohidramnios debe hacernos sospechar que la principal causa es la malformación renal fetal, porque está relacionada con la reducción de la diuresis fetal y la reducción de la producción de líquido amniótico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 17 años que acude a la emergencia por sus propios medios consciente, orientada en tiempo y espacio, colabora con el interrogatorio, llega en compañía de suegra. Paciente que se realiza ecografía obstétrica por control en la que reportan: producto único pelviano, dorso izquierdo, placenta fundica posterior grado 0, peso fetal de 845 gramos, y un ILA menos a 1 cc, y Riñones poliquisticos.