Manejo de alternativas biológicas para el control de Coptoborus ochromactonus en el cultivo de balsa (Zambrano M. 2017)”
López Meza, Wilmer Jhon
The “balsa” is currently an export product of great importance for the country, since Ecuador is one of the main exporters, mainly to Asia, Europe and North America as frequent destinations. There are approximately 20,000 hectares of raft plantations in the country that serve this purpose and for national use. Also, the Coptoborus ochromactonus is an insect pest, commonly called the moth of balsa, which has been destroying trees, with a 58% incidence and up to 25% of mortality in plantations. This study is a documentary review of secondary information in different academic search engines to determine the most appropriate biological alternatives for the management and control of Coptoborus ochromactonus and to promote its use and mitigate the damage caused by this pest. Several research shows that the highest rate of pest incidence and mortality occurs in the adult tree, which has reached 3 years, and also emphasizes the use of beauveria bassiana and metarhizium anisopliae for insect control. These alternatives have reached an effectiveness of 97.5% to the plague control, in two investigations, which recommend their use since they are highly effective as the chemical alternatives that are currently used The “balsa” is currently an export product of great importance for the country, since Ecuador is one of the main exporters, mainly to Asia, Europe and North America as frequent destinations. There are approximately 20,000 hectares of raft plantations in the country that serve this purpose and for national use. Also, the Coptoborus ochromactonus is an insect pest, commonly called the moth of balsa, which has been destroying trees, with a 58% incidence and up to 25% of mortality in plantations. This study is a documentary review of secondary information in different academic search engines to determine the most appropriate biological alternatives for the management and control of Coptoborus ochromactonus and to promote its use and mitigate the damage caused by this pest. Several research shows that the highest rate of pest incidence and mortality occurs in the adult tree, which has reached 3 years, and also emphasizes the use of beauveria bassiana and metarhizium anisopliae for insect control. These alternatives have reached an effectiveness of 97.5% to the plague control, in two investigations, which recommend their use since they are highly effective as the chemical alternatives that are currently used La balsa, es actualmente un producto de exportación de gran importancia para el país, ya que Ecuador es uno de los principales exportadores, principalmente a destinos como Asia, Europa y Norteamérica. Existen en el país, aproximadamente 20.000 hectáreas de plantaciones de balsa que sirven para este propósito y para el uso nacional. Por su parte, el C. ochromactonus es un insecto plaga, llamado comúnmente como la polilla de la balsa, que viene destruyendo los árboles, con un 58% de incidencia y hasta un 25% de mortalidad en plantaciones. El presente estudio es una revisión documental de información secundaria en diversos buscadores académicos para determinar las alternativas biológicas más adecuadas para el manejo y control del C. ochromactonus para promover su uso y mitigar el daño provocado por esta plaga. Las investigaciones demuestran que la mayor tasa de incidencia de la plaga y mortalidad se dan en el árbol adulto, que ha alcanzado los 3 años, así como también recalcan el uso de B. bassiana y M. anisopliae para el control del insecto. Estas alternativas han alcanzado una efectividad de 97.5% para controlar la plaga, en dos investigaciones, las cuáles recomiendan su uso ya que igualan la efectividad proporcionada por las alternativas químicas que se usan actualmente.