Control interno de los procesos contables de la empresa Depósito y Transporte de Carga Pesada DEPCARSELL S.A
Control interno de los procesos contables de la empresa Depósito y Transporte de Carga Pesada DEPCARSELL S.A
Muñoz Burgos, Ricky Medardo
Muñoz Burgos, Ricky Medardo
The control and monitoring of the processes are important to prevent and avoid deficiencies that could affect the administrative management, which is why lately the need to implement an efficient internal control system has increased that helps to comply with the planning and thus have A greater vision of the management that is being carried out with the sole purpose of detecting shortcomings that may affect business objectives, meanwhile, conducting an analysis towards the accounting process in a company also becomes of great importance because through the study that is carried out, it will be possible to obtain information that is necessary to be able to evaluate if the company is generating quality and efficiency information that will be reflected in the financial statements. This case study was developed taking into consideration the main flaws identified in the execution of the accounting process, the inefficient application of laws, accounting, tax and labor regulations and the misinterpretation of the economic facts in the Warehouse and Heavy Cargo Transport company. Depcarsell SA The types of exploratory, descriptive and analytical research were used to describe each of the problems present in the company, being the interview and observation the instruments used to obtain information, through these techniques it was selected Evidence that served to support the procedures and policies related to the internal control of the accounting process of the analyzed company. The control and monitoring of the processes are important to prevent and avoid deficiencies that could affect the administrative management, which is why lately the need to implement an efficient internal control system has increased that helps to comply with the planning and thus have A greater vision of the management that is being carried out with the sole purpose of detecting shortcomings that may affect business objectives, meanwhile, conducting an analysis towards the accounting process in a company also becomes of great importance because through the study that is carried out, it will be possible to obtain information that is necessary to be able to evaluate if the company is generating quality and efficiency information that will be reflected in the financial statements. This case study was developed taking into consideration the main flaws identified in the execution of the accounting process, the inefficient application of laws, accounting, tax and labor regulations and the misinterpretation of the economic facts in the Warehouse and Heavy Cargo Transport company. Depcarsell SA The types of exploratory, descriptive and analytical research were used to describe each of the problems present in the company, being the interview and observation the instruments used to obtain information, through these techniques it was selected Evidence that served to support the procedures and policies related to the internal control of the accounting process of the analyzed company. El control y el seguimiento de los procesos son importantes para prevenir y evitar deficiencias que podría afectar a la gestión administrativa, motivo por el cual últimamente ha aumentado la necesidad de implementar un sistema de control interno eficiente que ayude a cumplir con la planificación y tener así una mayor visión a la gestión que se está realizando con el único fin de detectar la falencias que puedan afectar los objetivos empresariales, por su parte realizar un análisis hacia el proceso contable en una empresa también se vuelve de gran importancia porque por medio del estudio que se realiza se podrá obtener información que es necesaria para poder evaluar si se encuentra la empresa generando información de calidad y eficiencia que se verá reflejado en los estados financieros. El presente estudio de caso se desarrolló tomando en consideración las principales falencias identificadas en la ejecución del proceso contable, la ineficiente aplicación de leyes, normas contables, tributarias, laborales y la mala interpretación de los hechos económicos en la empresa Depósito y Transporte de Carga Pesada Depcarsell S.A. Los tipos de investigación exploratorio, descriptivo y analítico se utilizaron para realizar la descripción de cada uno de los problemas presente en la empresa, siendo la entrevista y la observación los instrumentos que se manejaron para la obtención de información, por medio de estas técnicas se seleccionó evidencias que sirvieron para soportar los procedimientos y políticas relacionadas al control interno del proceso contable de la empresa analizada.