Ausencia de estimulación temprana y su repercusión en el desarrollo socioemocional de un niño de 5 años del centro de Educación Inicial Marieta González de Mantilla del Recinto Pueblo Nuevo
Vera Jiménez, Ivania Maite
The topic covered in this case study was the absence of early stimulation and its impact on the socio-emotional development of a 5-year-old boy from the Marieta González de Mantilla Initial Education Center in the Pueblo Nuevo campus. The objective was to determine the impact of the absence of early stimulation on the socio-emotional development of the child under study.
The importance of early stimulation was demonstrated, especially in the socio-emotional area, since the development of this area tends to be overestimated, but it will be through it that the bases for the construction of a directed personality will be established in the child. to conceive social and emotional skills that benefit their interpersonal relationships and the different areas of their life.
An early stimulation plan was proposed in the emotional area, after corroborating the absence of stimulation in said area, leaving an opening for traits of low self-esteem, little empathy, frustration, perfectionism and poor management of emotions to be generated. Implementing different techniques such as the Arnold Goldstein Skills Scale and the Observation Scale in Early Childhood Education (EOEI). The topic covered in this case study was the absence of early stimulation and its impact on the socio-emotional development of a 5-year-old boy from the Marieta González de Mantilla Initial Education Center in the Pueblo Nuevo campus. The objective was to determine the impact of the absence of early stimulation on the socio-emotional development of the child under study.
The importance of early stimulation was demonstrated, especially in the socio-emotional area, since the development of this area tends to be overestimated, but it will be through it that the bases for the construction of a directed personality will be established in the child. to conceive social and emotional skills that benefit their interpersonal relationships and the different areas of their life.
An early stimulation plan was proposed in the emotional area, after corroborating the absence of stimulation in said area, leaving an opening for traits of low self-esteem, little empathy, frustration, perfectionism and poor management of emotions to be generated. Implementing different techniques such as the Arnold Goldstein Skills Scale and the Observation Scale in Early Childhood Education (EOEI). El tema que se abarcó en el presente estudio de caso fue la ausencia de estimulación temprana y su repercusión en el desarrollo socioemocional de un niño de 5 años del Centro de Educación Inicial Marieta González de Mantilla del recinto Pueblo Nuevo. El objetivo fue determinar la repercusión de la ausencia de estimulación temprana en el desarrollo socioemocional del niño que es objeto de estudio.
Se demostró la importancia que tiene la estimulación temprana y sobre todo en el área socioemocional, dado que el desarrollo de esta área tiende a ser sobreestimada pero será por medio de la misma que en el niño se establecerán las bases para la construcción de una personalidad direccionada a concebir habilidades sociales y emocionales que le beneficien a sus relaciones interpersonales y los diferentes ámbitos de su vida.
Se planteó un plan de estimulación temprana en el área emocional, luego de corroborar la ausencia de estimulación en dicha área dejando apertura a que se generen rasgos de baja autoestima, poca empatía, frustración, perfeccionismo y una pobre gestión de emociones. Implementándose diferentes técnicas como las escalas de Escala de habilidades de Arnold Goldstein y la Escala de Observación en Educación Infantil (EOEI).