Situación actual para la producción del cultivo Cáñamo (Cannabis sativa) en Ecuador
Muñoz Almeida, Pedro Israel
Hemp in recent years is having an impact due to its benefit for the textile and medicinal industry use. However, in Ecuador, after an arduous fight against legality, the National Assembly in September 2019 approved the legal use of hemp.
Ecuador with its geographical and meteorological location conditions allow a higher yield in planting and production. Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous plant up to 4 m tall, with an erect stem and stipulated palmate leaves, the lower ones opposite and the upper ones alternate.
Hemp, despite not being edible, is very profitable in our country, these generate employment, reactivating the economy, it is a highly profitable crop due to its medicinal and industrial use.
For the planting of Cannabis it is important to have a license depending on the use, this type of license is valid for ten years from its granting, its renewal is done
90 days before the expiration of the previous license, if cannabis is planted in Ecuador without a permit The penalty is between one and three years in prison.
In February 2021, the seven licenses were issued for the first time in: Pichincha. Guayas and Cotopaxi granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) to work in this innovative industry. Tabacundo, Pichincha are the first formal and legal crops of this plant. The Ecuadorian company CannAndes is a pioneer in the legal cultivation of cannabis sativa and is the first to export the processed flower and hemp tincture to a company in Switzerland. Hemp in recent years is having an impact due to its benefit for the textile and medicinal industry use. However, in Ecuador, after an arduous fight against legality, the National Assembly in September 2019 approved the legal use of hemp.
Ecuador with its geographical and meteorological location conditions allow a higher yield in planting and production. Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous plant up to 4 m tall, with an erect stem and stipulated palmate leaves, the lower ones opposite and the upper ones alternate.
Hemp, despite not being edible, is very profitable in our country, these generate employment, reactivating the economy, it is a highly profitable crop due to its medicinal and industrial use.
For the planting of Cannabis it is important to have a license depending on the use, this type of license is valid for ten years from its granting, its renewal is done
90 days before the expiration of the previous license, if cannabis is planted in Ecuador without a permit The penalty is between one and three years in prison.
In February 2021, the seven licenses were issued for the first time in: Pichincha. Guayas and Cotopaxi granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) to work in this innovative industry. Tabacundo, Pichincha are the first formal and legal crops of this plant. The Ecuadorian company CannAndes is a pioneer in the legal cultivation of cannabis sativa and is the first to export the processed flower and hemp tincture to a company in Switzerland. El cáñamo en los últimos años está teniendo impacto por su beneficio para el uso industria textil y medicinal. Sin embargo en el Ecuador después de una ardua lucha contra la legalidad la Asamblea Nacional en septiembre del 2019 aprobó el uso legal de cáñamo.
Ecuador con sus condiciones de ubicación geográfica y meteorológica permiten un mayor rendimiento en la siembra y producción el Cannabis sativa es una planta herbácea anual de hasta 4 m de alto, de tallo erecto y hojas palmadas estipuladas, las inferiores opuestas y las superiores alternas.
El Cañamo a pesar de no ser comestible es muy rentable en nuestro país estos generan bolsa de empleo reactivando la economía es un cultivo de alta rentabilidad debido a su uso medicinal e industrial.
Para la siembra del Cannabis es importante tener licencia dependiendo la utilización este tipo de licencia tiene una vigencia de diez años a partir de su otorgamiento, su renovación se hace 90 días ante que expire la licencia anterior, si se siembra cannabis en Ecuador sin un permiso la pena va entre uno y tres años de cárcel.
En febrero del 2021, se emitieron por primera vez las siete licencias en: Pichincha. Guayas y Cotopaxi que otorga el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) para trabajar en esta innovadora industria. Tabacundo, Pichincha se encuentran los primeros cultivos formales y legales de esta planta. La empresa ecuatoriana CannAndes es pionera en el cultivo legal de cannabis sativa y es la primera que exportar la flor procesada y tintura de cáñamo a una empresa de Suiza.