Diagnostico turístico del Museo Municipal del cantón Babahoyo
Torres Encalada, Alexandra Elizabeth
This case study is carried out with the purpose of carrying out a Tourist Diagnosis of the Municipal Museum of the Babahoyo Canton where the research question was raised: What is the current situation and its potential of the Babahoyo museum? Regarding the objectives as a general objective, the following was designed: Diagnose the current tourist state of the city museum in order to know the potential of the tourist attraction of the canton. The methodology used in the work established the mixed research approach because qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used since the survey technique was used, which was applied to the residents of the Babahoyo canton and an observation sheet where the survey was carried out. Information from the Municipal Museum of the Babahoyo Canton. Once the information was collected, the main results were that the museum is administered by the Municipal Gad and is in constant care to maintain the conservation of the Historical cultural resources that they have preserved since their aboriginal times. Another result to highlight is that despite the fact that 48.2% of people DO know about the existence of the museum in Babahoyo, 77.9% have not visited it. However, 58.6% indicate that they would like to visit the Municipal Museum of the canton. This case study is carried out with the purpose of carrying out a Tourist Diagnosis of the Municipal Museum of the Babahoyo Canton where the research question was raised: What is the current situation and its potential of the Babahoyo museum? Regarding the objectives as a general objective, the following was designed: Diagnose the current tourist state of the city museum in order to know the potential of the tourist attraction of the canton. The methodology used in the work established the mixed research approach because qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used since the survey technique was used, which was applied to the residents of the Babahoyo canton and an observation sheet where the survey was carried out. Information from the Municipal Museum of the Babahoyo Canton. Once the information was collected, the main results were that the museum is administered by the Municipal Gad and is in constant care to maintain the conservation of the Historical cultural resources that they have preserved since their aboriginal times. Another result to highlight is that despite the fact that 48.2% of people DO know about the existence of the museum in Babahoyo, 77.9% have not visited it. However, 58.6% indicate that they would like to visit the Municipal Museum of the canton. Este estudio de caso se lo realiza con el propósito de llevar a cabo un Diagnóstico Turístico del Museo Municipal del Cantón Babahoyo donde se planteó como pregunta de investigación ¿Cuál es la situación actual y su potencialidad del museo de Babahoyo? En cuanto a los objetivos como objetivo general se diseñó lo siguiente: Diagnosticar el estado actual turístico del museo de la ciudad con el fin de conocer la potencialidad del atractivo turístico del cantón. La metodología utilizada en el trabajo se estableció el enfoque de investigación mixta porque se usó técnicas de investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa dado que se utilizó la técnica encuesta el cual fue aplicada a los pobladores del cantón Babahoyo y una ficha de observación donde se realizó el levantamiento de información del Museo Municipal del Cantón Babahoyo. Una vez recabado la información se obtuvo como principales resultados que el museo es administrado por el Gad Municipal y se encuentra en constante cuidado para mantener la conservación de los recursos culturales Históricos que conservan desde su época aborigen. Otro resultado a destacar es que a pesar que el 48,2% de las personas SI conocen de la existencia del museo en Babahoyo, el 77,9% no lo ha visitado. Sin embargo, el 58,6% indican que les gustaría visitar el museo Municipal del cantón.