Conservación de patrimonios culturales y su impacto en el desarrollo turístico del cantón Quevedo, año 2021
España Acosta, Bricey Brigitte
The following work was prepared in the Quevedo canton of the Los Ríos province in order to know what is the impact of cultural heritage with the tourist development that exists in the Quevedo canton belonging to the Los Ríos province. Its objective is to determine the appropriate skills to reach the conservation of cultural heritages and their impact on tourism development through research in the city so that the Quevedo canton is recognized touristically that will help us in a few words to see that relationship and the set of how the cultural heritage of the city works. Quevedo city with tourism development. For the elaboration, three specific objectives were carried out, the first one is to analyze the tourist environment of the city of Quevedo. The following work was prepared in the Quevedo canton of the Los Ríos province in order to know what is the impact of cultural heritage with the tourist development that exists in the Quevedo canton belonging to the Los Ríos province. Its objective is to determine the appropriate skills to reach the conservation of cultural heritages and their impact on tourism development through research in the city so that the Quevedo canton is recognized touristically that will help us in a few words to see that relationship and the set of how the cultural heritage of the city works. Quevedo city with tourism development. For the elaboration, three specific objectives were carried out, the first one is to analyze the tourist environment of the city of Quevedo. El siguiente trabajo se elaboró en el cantón Quevedo provincia de Los Ríos con la finalidad de saber cuál es el impacto de los patrimonios culturales con el desarrollo turístico que hay en le cantón Quevedo perteneciente a la provincia de Los Ríos tiene como objetivo Determinar las pericias adecuadas para llegar a la conservación de los patrimonios culturales y su impacto en el desarrollo turístico mediante investigación en la ciudad para que el cantón Quevedo sea reconocido turísticamente que nos ayudara en pocas palabras a ver esa relación y el conjunto de cómo trabaja el patrimonio cultural de la ciudad de Quevedo con el desarrollo turístico. Para la elaboración se realizaron tres objetivos específicos el primero es Analizar el entorno turístico de la ciudad de Quevedo.