El roll de periodismo deportivo en el mundial de Qatar 2022
Burgos Saona, Vicente Yasser
One of the branches of journalism that has a great influence worldwide is undoubtedly sports journalism, since sport has millions of viewers who are aware of the information that is generated using different media such as television, radio, newspapers. and internet (digital newspapers, social networks) in the different sports disciplines, the purpose we have is to make known what the role of the sports journalist is, whether professional or empirical. Determine the influence of the sports journalist and his role in the 2022 Qtar World Cup.
Through the theoretical framework we are going to analyze the history of sports journalism at a global, national level, to know what its role and its influence have been to specify if there are deficiencies within it. Through surveys of leaders, coaches, athletes and the general public who think of current sports journalists and their programs.
The importance of making very clear the true role of the communication professional in the sports area so that they do not lose ethics, the impartiality with which they must act and leave their passion for a specific institution and the design of new tools for mass use of sports, where the communicator knows about all sports disciplines to guide and encourage practice.
The contribution determines the degree of positive influence that journalists can have for the development of sport in the province. The benefits are to encourage the communicators of the sports branch to change the way they carry out their journalistic work to exercise their true role and therefore positively influence the practice of sports. One of the branches of journalism that has a great influence worldwide is undoubtedly sports journalism, since sport has millions of viewers who are aware of the information that is generated using different media such as television, radio, newspapers. and internet (digital newspapers, social networks) in the different sports disciplines, the purpose we have is to make known what the role of the sports journalist is, whether professional or empirical. Determine the influence of the sports journalist and his role in the 2022 Qtar World Cup.
Through the theoretical framework we are going to analyze the history of sports journalism at a global, national level, to know what its role and its influence have been to specify if there are deficiencies within it. Through surveys of leaders, coaches, athletes and the general public who think of current sports journalists and their programs.
The importance of making very clear the true role of the communication professional in the sports area so that they do not lose ethics, the impartiality with which they must act and leave their passion for a specific institution and the design of new tools for mass use of sports, where the communicator knows about all sports disciplines to guide and encourage practice.
The contribution determines the degree of positive influence that journalists can have for the development of sport in the province. The benefits are to encourage the communicators of the sports branch to change the way they carry out their journalistic work to exercise their true role and therefore positively influence the practice of sports. Una de las ramas del periodismo que tiene una gran influencia a nivel mundial es sin duda alguna el periodismo deportivo, pues el deporte cuenta con millones de espectadores que están pendiente de la información que se genere usando diferentes medios de comunicación como televisión, radio, periódicos e internet (periódicos digítales, redes sociales) en las diferentes disciplinas deportivas, el propósito que tenemos es dar a conocer cuál es el rol del periodista deportivo, ya sean profesionales o empíricos. Determinar cuál es la influencia del periodista deportivo y su rol en el mundial de Qtar del 2022.
Mediante el marco teórico vamos a analizar la historia del periodismo deportivo a nivel mundial, nacional, para saber cuál ha sido su rol y su influencia para concretar si existen carencias dentro de la misma. Por medios de encuestas a dirigentes, entrenadores, deportista y público general que opinan de los periodistas deportivos actuales y sus programas.
La importancia dejar muy en claro el verdadero rol del profesional de la comunicación en el área deportiva para que no pierda la ética, la imparcialidad con la que se debe actuar y dejar la pasión por alguna institución determinada y el diseño de nuevas herramientas para la masificación del deportes, donde el comunicador conozca sobre todas las disciplinas deportivas para que oriente e incentive a la práctica.
El aporte determinar el grado de influencia positivamente que puede tener los periodista para el desarrollo del deporte en la provincia. Los beneficios es incentivar a los comunicadores de la rama deportiva a cambiar el modo de realizar su labor periodística para ejercerán su verdadero rol y por ende influyan de manera positiva en práctica del deporte.