Gestión de control al inventario bajo el módulo ESBYE sistema ESIGEF en el área de bodega de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo año 2019
Diaz Ortiz, Cristhoper Roberto
The Technical University of Babahoyo is an entity that has supplies in its warehouse such as cleaning and office materials among others in which it has their respective records using manual and computer systems, later the e-SBYE Module of the e-SIGEF system must be registered to be able to have an optimum on the management that it carries out. Inventories must be organized and distributed correctly due to their importance within the entity. For this respective work, it was carried out in order to know and improve the control and management of its procedures, investigative methods were applied with the aim of knowing the difficulties that occur around the Bodega warehouse. The Technical University of Babahoyo is an entity that has supplies in its warehouse such as cleaning and office materials among others in which it has their respective records using manual and computer systems, later the e-SBYE Module of the e-SIGEF system must be registered to be able to have an optimum on the management that it carries out. Inventories must be organized and distributed correctly due to their importance within the entity. For this respective work, it was carried out in order to know and improve the control and management of its procedures, investigative methods were applied with the aim of knowing the difficulties that occur around the Bodega warehouse. La Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo es una entidad que tiene suministros en su bodega tales como materiales de limpieza y oficina entre otros en cual cuenta con sus respectivos registros utilizando sistemas manuales e informáticos posteriormente tienen que ser registro el Módulo e-SBYE del sistema e-SIGEF para poder tener un óptimo sobre la gestión que realiza. Los inventarios deben estar de manera organizados y distribuidos de Manera correcta debido a su importancia dentro de la entidad. para este respectivo trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conocer y mejorar el control y gestión de sus procedimientos se aplicaron métodos investigativos con el animo de conocer las dificultades que se producen alrededor del almacén Bodega.