Proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente adulto con hemorragia digestiva baja.
Bravo Briones, Mirian Mery
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is conceptualized as the outflow of blood located in the digestive tract from the angle of Treitz to the anus and manifests itself according to its underlying pathology in the form of melena or hematochezia, rectorrhagia, among others, the diagnosis of this disease is based primarily on clinical but also makes use of complementary tests such as complete blood count, colonoscopy, enteroscopy, among others, For the nursing staff, one of the highest priority interventions is the monitoring of hemodynamic stability, since this type of patient makes the clinical picture unstable, another valuable intervention is the control of blood volume, using the electrolyte balance, once the main cause of bleeding is identified, pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment is provided to restore vital functions. It is important to mention that the role played by the nursing staff is vital in terms of patient recovery, that is why the nursing care process was applied to an adult patient with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, the study focuses not only on the pathology but also on the needs of the environment, also made the use of nursing models as a tool of important work for the assessment by functional patterns to obtain a correct understanding of the patient's condition with this ensured that both diagnoses and interventions applied throughout the process to help the recovery of the patient's health status. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is conceptualized as the outflow of blood located in the digestive tract from the angle of Treitz to the anus and manifests itself according to its underlying pathology in the form of melena or hematochezia, rectorrhagia, among others, the diagnosis of this disease is based primarily on clinical but also makes use of complementary tests such as complete blood count, colonoscopy, enteroscopy, among others, For the nursing staff, one of the highest priority interventions is the monitoring of hemodynamic stability, since this type of patient makes the clinical picture unstable, another valuable intervention is the control of blood volume, using the electrolyte balance, once the main cause of bleeding is identified, pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment is provided to restore vital functions. It is important to mention that the role played by the nursing staff is vital in terms of patient recovery, that is why the nursing care process was applied to an adult patient with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, the study focuses not only on the pathology but also on the needs of the environment, also made the use of nursing models as a tool of important work for the assessment by functional patterns to obtain a correct understanding of the patient's condition with this ensured that both diagnoses and interventions applied throughout the process to help the recovery of the patient's health status. Se conceptualiza a la hemorragia digestiva baja como la salida de sangre localizada en el tramo digestivo desde el ángulo de Treitz hasta el ano y se manifiesta de acuerdo a su patología base en forma de melenas o hematoquecia, rectorragia entre otros, el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad se basa principalmente en la clínica pero también se hace uso de exámenes complementarios como hemograma completos, colonoscopias, enteroscopía, entre otros, para el personal de enfermería como una de las intervenciones de mayor prioridad radica en la vigilancia de la estabilidad hemodinámica, ya que este tipo de pacientes hace que cuadro clínico sea inestable, otra valiosa intervención es el control de la volemia, haciendo uso del balance hidroelectrolítico, una vez identificada la causa principal del sangrado se brindara el tratamiento farmacológico o no farmacológico para restaurar las funciones vitales. Es importante mencionar que el papel que juega el personal de enfermería es vital en cuanto a la recuperación del paciente, es por esto que se aplicó el proceso de atención de enfermería a un paciente adulto con hemorragia digestiva baja, el estudio no solamente se enfoca en la patología sino también en las necesidades del entorno, además se hizo el empleo de modelos de enfermería como herramienta de importante labor para la valoración por patrones funcionales para obtener una correcta comprensión del estado del paciente con esto se garantizó que tanto los diagnósticos y las intervenciones aplicadas a lo largo de todo el proceso ayudaran a la recuperación del estado de salud del paciente