Análisis del uso de la mecanización agrícola en el Ecuador
Yela Cervantes, Andrea Anahy
Among the countless activities in the agricultural sector, properly performed mechanized operations significantly help the producer, allowing him to make better use of resources with less effort in the tasks that range from soil preparation to final product transportation. These tasks require human resources, which is why the use of agricultural machinery is necessary. However, in Ecuador, incorporating agricultural machinery basically depends on production system, size of the agricultural production unit (APUs), producer’s socioeconomic situation and topographic conditions. The present study aimed to determine the impact of agricultural mechanization on the development of agricultural production in the country. Most mechanization measures in agriculture are produced for reasons of economy at work: increasing labor productivity (yield per worker) and making work physically easier and less exhausting for the farmer. To achieve sustainable food security, in relation to the identified factors, the necessary recommendations and government support policies in the agricultural sector are imperative from the point of view of increasing mechanization coverage. Among the countless activities in the agricultural sector, properly performed mechanized operations significantly help the producer, allowing him to make better use of resources with less effort in the tasks that range from soil preparation to final product transportation. These tasks require human resources, which is why the use of agricultural machinery is necessary. However, in Ecuador, incorporating agricultural machinery basically depends on production system, size of the agricultural production unit (APUs), producer’s socioeconomic situation and topographic conditions. The present study aimed to determine the impact of agricultural mechanization on the development of agricultural production in the country. Most mechanization measures in agriculture are produced for reasons of economy at work: increasing labor productivity (yield per worker) and making work physically easier and less exhausting for the farmer. To achieve sustainable food security, in relation to the identified factors, the necessary recommendations and government support policies in the agricultural sector are imperative from the point of view of increasing mechanization coverage. Entre las innumerables actividades en el sector agrícola, las operaciones mecanizadas realizadas adecuadamente ayudan significativamente al productor, permitiéndole un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos con menor esfuerzo en las labores que van desde la preparación del suelo hasta el transporte del producto final. Estas labores demandan de recurso humano, por lo que resulta necesario el uso de maquinarias agrícolas. No obstante, En Ecuador, incorporar maquinarias agrícolas depende básicamente de: sistema de producción, tamaño de la unidad de producción agropecuaria (Upas), situación socioeconómica de los productores y condiciones topográficas de la zona. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el impacto de la mecanización agrícola en el desarrollo de la producción agrícola en el país. La mayoría de las medidas de mecanización en la agricultura se producen por razones de economía en el trabajo: aumentar la productividad del trabajo (rendimiento por trabajador) y hacer el trabajo más fácil físicamente y menos desgastante para el agricultor. Para lograr la seguridad alimentaria sostenible, en relación con los factores identificados, las recomendaciones necesarias y las políticas de apoyo gubernamental en el sector agrícola son imperativas desde el punto de vista de aumento de la cobertura de la mecanización.