Estudios de las fases lunares y sus aplicaciones en la agricultura
Fernández Ruiz, Darwin Gabriel
This work is focused on the importance of the lunar phases and their applications in agriculture, it mentions how the luminosity of the moon is vital for the life and development of plants, as well as the knowledge that the moon has about agricultural activities. Knowing that it was pre-Columbian, most farmers know about the high influence on agro-productive activities.
The moon is considered to be the natural satellite of planet Earth, and unlike sunlight, lunar light directly influences the germination of seeds under light stimuli, there are 4 lunar phases: crescent moon, full moon, last quarter, and new moon, the antecedents show that the sowings of the crops that grow and bear fruit above the ground are carried out on the second day of the first quarter phase and three days after the start of the full moon, the crops that grow and bear fruit below the ground are made between the phase of the first quarter and the new moon.
This investigative work reveals that farmers who still sow by implementing the use of each of the lunar phases, obtain a high yield in their harvest, and that the seeds can be conserved for future plantings. This work is focused on the importance of the lunar phases and their applications in agriculture, it mentions how the luminosity of the moon is vital for the life and development of plants, as well as the knowledge that the moon has about agricultural activities. Knowing that it was pre-Columbian, most farmers know about the high influence on agro-productive activities.
The moon is considered to be the natural satellite of planet Earth, and unlike sunlight, lunar light directly influences the germination of seeds under light stimuli, there are 4 lunar phases: crescent moon, full moon, last quarter, and new moon, the antecedents show that the sowings of the crops that grow and bear fruit above the ground are carried out on the second day of the first quarter phase and three days after the start of the full moon, the crops that grow and bear fruit below the ground are made between the phase of the first quarter and the new moon.
This investigative work reveals that farmers who still sow by implementing the use of each of the lunar phases, obtain a high yield in their harvest, and that the seeds can be conserved for future plantings. El presente trabajo está enfocado a la importancia de las fases lunares y sus aplicaciones en la agricultura, este menciona como la luminosidad de la luna es vital para la vida y el desarrollo de las plantas, también el conocimiento que posee la luna sobre las actividades agrícolas, conociendo que se precolombino, la mayoría de los agricultores conocen sobre la alta influencia en las actividades agro productivas.
La luna es considerada como el satélite natural del planeta Tierra, y a diferencia de la luz solar, la luz lunar influye directamente en la germinación de las semillas bajo estímulos de luminosidad, existen 4 fases lunares: luna creciente, luna llena, cuarto menguante, y luna nueva, los antecedentes manifiestan que las siembras de los cultivos que crecen y fructifican por encima del suelo se realizan al segundo día de la fase del cuarto creciente y a tres días después del inicio de la luna llena, los cultivos que crecen y fructifican por abajo el suelo se realizan entre la fase de cuarto creciente y luna nueva.
Este trabajo investigativo revela que los agricultores que aun siembran implementando el uso de cada una de las fases lunares, obtienen un alto rendimiento en su cosecha, y que las semillas pueden ser conservadas para futuras siembras.