Alternativas de manejo para la araña roja (Tetranychus urticae), en el cultivo de cáñamo (Cannabis sativa).
Jiménez Lara, Alex Daniel
Hemp is an annual plant that in recent years is having an impact due to its usefulness for the textile, medicinal and food industries. However, it presents a great problem due to Tetranychus urticae, this being a pest capable of greatly reducing production and, in turn, the quality of Cannabis sativa. The objective is to identify the best alternative for the management of the red spider in hemp cultivation.
Based on the analysis, the compilation of information on cultural, biological and chemical methods, it is possible to conclude that the best alternative for the control of the red spider is biological control with the mite Neoseiulus californicus, followed by the mite Phytoseiulus persimilis.
Chemical control is commonly used by producers, but many times due to lack of knowledge they use product molecules repetitively and/or in inappropriate doses, thus eradicating the beneficial insects of this pest and causing it to become more resistant to pests. chemical products. Hemp is an annual plant that in recent years is having an impact due to its usefulness for the textile, medicinal and food industries. However, it presents a great problem due to Tetranychus urticae, this being a pest capable of greatly reducing production and, in turn, the quality of Cannabis sativa. The objective is to identify the best alternative for the management of the red spider in hemp cultivation.
Based on the analysis, the compilation of information on cultural, biological and chemical methods, it is possible to conclude that the best alternative for the control of the red spider is biological control with the mite Neoseiulus californicus, followed by the mite Phytoseiulus persimilis.
Chemical control is commonly used by producers, but many times due to lack of knowledge they use product molecules repetitively and/or in inappropriate doses, thus eradicating the beneficial insects of this pest and causing it to become more resistant to pests. chemical products. El cáñamo es una planta anual que en los últimos años está teniendo impacto por su utilidad para la industria textil, medicinal y alimenticio. Sin embargo, presenta una gran problemática por Tetranychus urticae siendo esta una plaga capaz de disminuir la producción enormemente y a su vez la calidad del Cannabis sativa. El objetivo es identificar la mejor alternativa para el manejo de la araña roja en el cultivo de cáñamo.
En base al análisis, la compilación de información sobre los métodos culturales, biológico y químico, se logra concluir que la mejor alternativa para el control de la araña roja es el control biológico con el acaro Neoseiulus californicus, seguido por el ácaro Phytoseiulus persimilis.
El control químico es el comúnmente empleados por los productores, pero muchas veces por falta de conocimiento emplean moléculas de productos de manera repetitiva y/o en dosis inapropiadas, erradicando así los insectos benéficos de esta plaga y generando que esta se vuelva más resistente a los productos químicos.