Análisis de la demanda de un destino Pet Friendly en la ciudad de Guayaquil
Arriaga Quizhpi, Daniela Casandra
Guayaquil has pet friendly establishment, they are places which allow people to go into them with pets and offer different services such as food, lodging, spa, walks, among others. This type of establishment is very important because it allows tourists to be accompanied by their best friend, be it canine, feline or birds because they are another member of the family, with whom to share new experiences.
The present investigation objective is to analyze the demand for the pet friendly destination Guayaquil city, where we define it as a product that people are willing to buy depending on the different factors and one of them is the economic part, but through the surveys that were carried out. From the surveys carried out it was known that the current demand is low because tourists are unaware of the pet-friendly services in the Guayaquil. Through descriptive research, it was possible to identify the main characteristics of the object of study, where convenience sampling was used to determine the size of the population to be surveyed in the city.
Finally, with the results of the interview and the surveys carried out, it was possible to observe that the problem for the low pet friendly demand is because some owner of touristic places and the tourist market have not adopted them yet completely. According to the information collected, is made know some services are announced offered within pet friendly establishments in the Guayaquil city to tourists with pets. Guayaquil has pet friendly establishment, they are places which allow people to go into them with pets and offer different services such as food, lodging, spa, walks, among others. This type of establishment is very important because it allows tourists to be accompanied by their best friend, be it canine, feline or birds because they are another member of the family, with whom to share new experiences.
The present investigation objective is to analyze the demand for the pet friendly destination Guayaquil city, where we define it as a product that people are willing to buy depending on the different factors and one of them is the economic part, but through the surveys that were carried out. From the surveys carried out it was known that the current demand is low because tourists are unaware of the pet-friendly services in the Guayaquil. Through descriptive research, it was possible to identify the main characteristics of the object of study, where convenience sampling was used to determine the size of the population to be surveyed in the city.
Finally, with the results of the interview and the surveys carried out, it was possible to observe that the problem for the low pet friendly demand is because some owner of touristic places and the tourist market have not adopted them yet completely. According to the information collected, is made know some services are announced offered within pet friendly establishments in the Guayaquil city to tourists with pets. Guayaquil cuenta con establecimientos pet friendly, es decir, sitios que permiten el ingreso de mascotas y ofrecen diferentes servicios como alimentación, hospedaje, spa, paseos, entre otros. Este tipo de establecimientos es muy importante porque permiten que los turistas estén acompañados por su mejor amigo sea canino, felino o aves porque son un miembro más de la familia, con quien compartir nuevas experiencias.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar la demanda del destino pet friendly de la ciudad de Guayaquil, donde lo definimos como un producto que las personas están dispuestos a comprar dependiendo de los diferentes factores y uno de ellos es la parte económica. Por las encuestas realizadas se pudo conocer que la demanda actual es baja porque los turistas desconocen los servicios amigables con las mascotas que posee la ciudad de Guayaquil. A través de la investigación descriptiva se pudo identificar las características principales del objeto de estudio, donde se utilizó el muestreo por conveniencia para determinar el tamaño de la población a encuestar en la ciudad.
Finalmente, con los resultados de la entrevista y las encuestas realizadas se pudo observar que la demanda aun es baja en el destino pet friendly, pues a pesar de que esta tendencia beneficia a los lugares y a los turistas con mascotas aún no es muy bien adoptada por el mercado turístico, de acuerdo a la información recolectada se da a conocer algunos servicios que se ofrecen dentro de los establecimientos pet friendly (amigables con las mascotas) en la ciudad de Guayaquil a los turistas con mascotas.