Valdez Medranda, Lady Xiomara
The Milagro-Quevedo culture has a great cultural enrichment where our ancestors created and adapted objects that are currently of great importance in tourism. Culture where this generation knows little and is overvalued, the objective of the following research is to analyze the Milagro-Quevedo culture and its contribution to tourism in the city of Quevedo, province of Los Ríos, its purpose is to know the level of knowledge of the inhabitants of the canton, to be aware of whether the archaeological objects of the Milagro-Quevedo culture contribute to tourism development and to determine strategies for the promotion of the culture. From the results of the research technique resulted in the low rate of knowledge by the population of Quevedo, but even so the archaeological findings is of great importance to the culture and is recognized by the community, the lack of promotion and dissemination is one of the causes of why the level of knowledge is fading, suggesting promotional strategies for cultural tourism is stable in Quevedo, therefore this study will contribute to research on the Milagro-Quevedo culture and how it resides in the inhabitants of the canton. The Milagro-Quevedo culture has a great cultural enrichment where our ancestors created and adapted objects that are currently of great importance in tourism. Culture where this generation knows little and is overvalued, the objective of the following research is to analyze the Milagro-Quevedo culture and its contribution to tourism in the city of Quevedo, province of Los Ríos, its purpose is to know the level of knowledge of the inhabitants of the canton, to be aware of whether the archaeological objects of the Milagro-Quevedo culture contribute to tourism development and to determine strategies for the promotion of the culture. From the results of the research technique resulted in the low rate of knowledge by the population of Quevedo, but even so the archaeological findings is of great importance to the culture and is recognized by the community, the lack of promotion and dissemination is one of the causes of why the level of knowledge is fading, suggesting promotional strategies for cultural tourism is stable in Quevedo, therefore this study will contribute to research on the Milagro-Quevedo culture and how it resides in the inhabitants of the canton. La cultura Milagro-Quevedo, posee un gran enriquecimiento cultural donde nuestros antepasados crearon y adaptaron objetos que en la actualidad es de suma importancia en el turismo. Cultura donde esta generación conoce poco y es sobrevalorada, el objetivo de la siguiente investigación es analizar la cultura Milagro-Quevedo y su aporte al turismo de la ciudad de Quevedo, provincia de Los Ríos, su finalidad es conocer el nivel de conocimiento de los habitantes del cantón, estar al tanto de que si los objetos arqueológicos de la cultura Milagro-Quevedo aportan al desarrollo turístico y determinar las estrategias para la promoción de la cultura. A partir de los resultados de la técnica de investigación dio como resultado el bajo índice de conocimiento por parte de la población quevedeña, pero aun así los hallazgos arqueológicos es de suma importancia para la cultura y es reconocida por la comunidad, la falta de promoción y difusión es una de las causas del porque el nivel de conocimiento está desfalleciendo, se sugiere estrategias de promoción para que el turismo cultural sea estable en Quevedo, por lo consiguiente el presente estudio aportara a las investigaciones de la cultura Milagro-Quevedo y como este reside en los habitantes del cantón.