Plataformas virtuales libres y su influencia en el aprendizaje autorregulado en la Unidad Educativa Dr. Antonio Parra Velasco, Guayas. 2020-2021
Cabezas Elizondo, Nydia Eleana
The evaluation of virtual free software platforms and their influence on self-regulated learning is the purpose of this research and as a result to propose a technological tool as an alternative in virtual education. In this research, two research groups will be formed: an experimental one identified as E and a traditional one called C, for which the quasi-experimental research design is used. Each group is made up of twenty-five students, who will be subjected to a pre-experimental evaluation and another post-experimental evaluation through an online survey to establish the influence of virtual platforms on self-regulated learning. In the application of the independent variable or the experiment also called this way, the Chamilo virtual platform was applied in group E and for group C a traditional classroom was used to teach the same content planning in the two scenarios that were in charge of a different teacher. After the post-evaluation, the hypothesis was tested, where it was determined that the difference in the means of the two groups is significant. In this sense, the alternative hypothesis is approved, where the evaluation of free software virtual platforms does improve self-regulated learning in seventh grade students of the “Antonio Parra Velasco” Educational Unit. Based on the fact that the experimental group obtained a total of 84.18% and the traditional group achieved 69.13% as the sum of the two phases, for which Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. To end in the post-experimental phase, the significance value is, 000, which determines that the evaluation of virtual software platforms does improve the students' self-regulated learning. The evaluation of virtual free software platforms and their influence on self-regulated learning is the purpose of this research and as a result to propose a technological tool as an alternative in virtual education. In this research, two research groups will be formed: an experimental one identified as E and a traditional one called C, for which the quasi-experimental research design is used. Each group is made up of twenty-five students, who will be subjected to a pre-experimental evaluation and another post-experimental evaluation through an online survey to establish the influence of virtual platforms on self-regulated learning. In the application of the independent variable or the experiment also called this way, the Chamilo virtual platform was applied in group E and for group C a traditional classroom was used to teach the same content planning in the two scenarios that were in charge of a different teacher. After the post-evaluation, the hypothesis was tested, where it was determined that the difference in the means of the two groups is significant. In this sense, the alternative hypothesis is approved, where the evaluation of free software virtual platforms does improve self-regulated learning in seventh grade students of the “Antonio Parra Velasco” Educational Unit. Based on the fact that the experimental group obtained a total of 84.18% and the traditional group achieved 69.13% as the sum of the two phases, for which Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. To end in the post-experimental phase, the significance value is, 000, which determines that the evaluation of virtual software platforms does improve the students' self-regulated learning. La evaluación de las plataformas virtuales de software libre y su influencia en el aprendizaje autorregulado es el propósito de esta investigación y como resultado proponer una herramienta tecnológica como alternativa en la educación virtual. En la presente investigación se conformará dos grupos de investigación: uno experimental identificado como E y otro tradicional llamado C, para lo cual se utiliza el diseño de investigación cuasi experimental. Cada grupo está constituido por veinticinco estudiantes, que serán sujetos a una evaluación pre-experimental y a otra evaluación post-experimental a través de una encuesta en línea para establecer la influencia de las plataformas virtuales en el aprendizaje autorregulado. En la aplicación de la variable independiente o el experimento llamado también así, se aplicó la plataforma virtual Chamilo en el grupo E y para el grupo C se utilizó un aula tradicional para impartir la misma planificación de contenidos en los dos escenarios que estuvieron a cargo de un docente distinto. Finalizada la post-evaluación se realizó la comprobación de la hipótesis en donde se determinó que la diferencia de las medias de los dos grupos es significativa. En este sentido, se aprueba la hipótesis alternativa, en donde, la evaluación de las plataformas virtuales de software libre si mejora el aprendizaje autorregulado en los estudiantes de séptimo grado de la Unidad Educativa “Antonio Parra Velasco”. Fundamentada en que el grupo experimental obtuvo un total de 84.18% y el grupo tradicional logró el 69.13% como sumatoria de las dos fases, por lo cual se acepta Ha y se rechaza Ho. Para finalizar en la fase post-experimental el valor de significancia es de ,000 que determina que la evaluación de las plataformas virtuales de software si mejora el aprendizaje autorregulado de los estudiantes.