Manejo agronómico del cultivo de albahaca (Ocimun basilicum L.) en el Ecuador
Montoya Montero, Jennifer Stefanya
In the present investigation on the agronomic management of basil cultivation (Ocimun basilicum L.). The basil plant prefers warm and temperate climates, it grows in temperatures that range between 15 and 25 0C, not reproducing in low temperatures. It is also an easy-to-produce crop, where housewives grow them indoors, on their terraces or in greenhouses. The conclusions determine that little information is presented concerning the agronomic management of basil cultivation in Ecuador, highlighting that the available information is not updated, therefore it is essential that the sowing of the cultivar be promoted to generate new publications, especially in our country. ; the crop is easy to produce, it can be done by farmers, like housewives; and the necessary tasks are required such as seedbed, transplant, sowing (in ample land or in pots, greenhouse), pruning, weed control, pests, diseases and harvest and it is considered as a food, medicinal and economically important seasoning plant for the soap industry, perfumery. It is also used as a repellent botanical insecticide for insects. however, it is necessary to promote the planting of basil as an alternative crop for farmers, without leaving aside their traditional cultivars; carry out field tests to obtain results that can be published and carry out training on planting the crop for housewives in rural areas through the program for linking with society. In the present investigation on the agronomic management of basil cultivation (Ocimun basilicum L.). The basil plant prefers warm and temperate climates, it grows in temperatures that range between 15 and 25 0C, not reproducing in low temperatures. It is also an easy-to-produce crop, where housewives grow them indoors, on their terraces or in greenhouses. The conclusions determine that little information is presented concerning the agronomic management of basil cultivation in Ecuador, highlighting that the available information is not updated, therefore it is essential that the sowing of the cultivar be promoted to generate new publications, especially in our country. ; the crop is easy to produce, it can be done by farmers, like housewives; and the necessary tasks are required such as seedbed, transplant, sowing (in ample land or in pots, greenhouse), pruning, weed control, pests, diseases and harvest and it is considered as a food, medicinal and economically important seasoning plant for the soap industry, perfumery. It is also used as a repellent botanical insecticide for insects. however, it is necessary to promote the planting of basil as an alternative crop for farmers, without leaving aside their traditional cultivars; carry out field tests to obtain results that can be published and carry out training on planting the crop for housewives in rural areas through the program for linking with society. En la presente investigación sobre el manejo agronómico del cultivo de albahaca (Ocimun basilicum L.). La planta de albahaca prefiere los climas cálidos y templados, crece en temperaturas que oscilan entre los 15 y 25 0C, no reproduciéndose en temperaturas bajas. Además, es un cultivo de fácil producción, donde las amas de casa los cultivan en interior de las mismas, en sus terrazas o en invernaderos. Las conclusiones determinan que se presenta escasa información concerniente al manejo agronómico del cultivo de albahaca en el Ecuador, destacándose que la información disponible no está actualizada, por lo tanto es indispensable que se promueva la siembra del cultivar para generar nuevas publicaciones, especialmente en nuestro país; el cultivo es de fácil producción, pueden realizarlo los agricultores, como las amas de casa; y se requieren las labores necesarias como semillero, trasplante, siembra (en terrero amplio o en macetas, invernadero), podas, control de malezas, plagas, enfermedades y cosecha y es considerada como planta de condimentos alimenticios, medicinales y de importancia económica para la industria del jabón, perfumería. Además, se utiliza como insecticida botánico repelente para insectos. sin embargo, es necesario promover la siembra de albaca como cultivo alternativo para los agricultores, sin dejar a un lado sus cultivares tradicionales; realizar ensayos de campo para obtener resultado que puedan ser publicados y efectuar capacitaciones en cuanto a la siembra del cultivo a las amas de casa de zonas rurales mediante el programa de vinculación con la sociedad.