Peña Parraga, Lessly Madeleynne
The main objective of this research project was to carry out a study of the rating and advertising market with radio stations in the Quevedo canton in 2022, for which it sought to identify the advertising supply and demand maintained by the radio stations in the canton, and the importance of the rating in the labor market of broadcasters.
A rating measurement system was proposed as a business model with the radio stations of Quevedo, as a feasible and beneficial project for the labor market.
The methodology used was qualitative exploratory research, of the inductive-deductive type, explaining the nature of the phenomenon to carry out the proposals for action on the reality described; through the use of the interview as a data collection instrument, to a non-probabilistic sample of eleven radio broadcasters and nine representatives of private companies in Quevedo.
Among the most relevant results, it was obtained that rating studies benefit the labor market, since they allow private companies to program their advertisements at times of greater scope, which increases the economic income of both parties. The main objective of this research project was to carry out a study of the rating and advertising market with radio stations in the Quevedo canton in 2022, for which it sought to identify the advertising supply and demand maintained by the radio stations in the canton, and the importance of the rating in the labor market of broadcasters.
A rating measurement system was proposed as a business model with the radio stations of Quevedo, as a feasible and beneficial project for the labor market.
The methodology used was qualitative exploratory research, of the inductive-deductive type, explaining the nature of the phenomenon to carry out the proposals for action on the reality described; through the use of the interview as a data collection instrument, to a non-probabilistic sample of eleven radio broadcasters and nine representatives of private companies in Quevedo.
Among the most relevant results, it was obtained that rating studies benefit the labor market, since they allow private companies to program their advertisements at times of greater scope, which increases the economic income of both parties. Este proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal realizar un estudio del rating y mercado publicitario con radiodifusoras del cantón Quevedo en el año 2022, para lo cual se buscó identificar la oferta y demanda publicitaria que mantienen las radiodifusoras del cantón, y se analizó la importancia del rating en el mercado laboral de las radiodifusoras.
Se propuso un sistema de medición de rating como modelo de negocio con las radiodifusoras del cantón Quevedo, como un proyecto factible y beneficioso para el mercado laboral.
La metodología empleada fue la investigación exploratoria cualitativa, de tipo inductivo-deductivo, explicándose la naturaleza del fenómeno para realizar las propuestas de actuación sobre la realidad descrita; mediante el uso de la entrevista como instrumento de recolección de datos, a una muestra no probabilística de once radiodifusores y nueve representantes de empresas privadas del cantón Quevedo.
Entre los resultados más relevantes se obtuvo que los estudios de rating benefician el mercado laboral, ya que permiten que las empresas privadas programen sus anuncios publicitarios en horarios de mayor alcance, lo que incrementa los ingresos económicos de ambas partes.