| bachelorThesis
Gestión documental de la empresa Asolimbrige de la ciudad de Babahoyo
Orellana Cedeño, Gisset Eugenia
File management within any organization is of vital importance to evidence relevant information. therefore, the workers of the companies are responsible for the proper handling of the documents, organizing and storing them respectively in accordance with the norms and criteria established by Law 594 of 2000. "General Law of Archives", The archiving process is achieved Organized, classified, labeled and numbered in folders and boxes the documents according to the TRD (Document Retention Tables) identifying the series, with their corresponding documentary types, the time of permanence in each stage of the life cycle and the importance in terms of time of conservation and preservation. A chronological order is obtained for an efficient search of the information required by the entity and at the same time documents that are not useful are purged, thus freeing up physical space so as not to increase unnecessary paper in the house destined for filing. Document management in companies is an inherent need in business activity, regardless of its size or the economic sector in which it participates. Document management is one of the areas of business activity in which the growing volume of information and documentation that companies are forced to process can seriously affect their business figures if not managed properly. File management within any organization is of vital importance to evidence relevant information. therefore, the workers of the companies are responsible for the proper handling of the documents, organizing and storing them respectively in accordance with the norms and criteria established by Law 594 of 2000. "General Law of Archives", The archiving process is achieved Organized, classified, labeled and numbered in folders and boxes the documents according to the TRD (Document Retention Tables) identifying the series, with their corresponding documentary types, the time of permanence in each stage of the life cycle and the importance in terms of time of conservation and preservation. A chronological order is obtained for an efficient search of the information required by the entity and at the same time documents that are not useful are purged, thus freeing up physical space so as not to increase unnecessary paper in the house destined for filing. Document management in companies is an inherent need in business activity, regardless of its size or the economic sector in which it participates. Document management is one of the areas of business activity in which the growing volume of information and documentation that companies are forced to process can seriously affect their business figures if not managed properly. La gestión de archivos dentro de toda organización es de vital importancia para evidenciar aquella información relevante. por lo tanto, los trabajadores de las empresas son los responsables del manejo adecuado de los documentos organizándolos y guardándolos respectivamente de acuerdo con las normas y criterios establecidos por la ley 594 de 2000. "Ley General de Archivos", El proceso de archivo se logra organizado, clasificado, rotulado y foliado en carpetas y cajas los documentos según las TRD (Tablas de retención documental) identificando las series, con sus correspondientes tipos documentales, el tiempo de permanencia en cada etapa del ciclo vital y la importancia en términos de tiempo de conservación y preservación. Se obtiene un orden cronológico para una eficiente búsqueda de la información requerida por la entidad y al tiempo se depuran los documentos que no son útiles liberando así espacio físico para no aumentar papel innecesario en la casa destinada de archivo. La gestión documental en las empresas es una necesidad inherente a la actividad empresarial, independientemente de su tamaño o del sector económico del que participa. La gestión documental es una de las áreas de la actividad empresarial en las que más nítidamente se observa el creciente volumen de información y documentación que las compañías se ven obligadas a procesar puede afectar seriamente a sus cifras de negocio si no se gestiona adecuadamente.