Vitamina a y su incidencia en la agudeza visual en estudiantes del quinto y sexto curso de la Escuela Francisco Huerta Rendon Babahoyo Los Ríos, octubre 2019 febrero 2020.
Espinoza Bastidas, Diana Gabriela
Mora Elizondo, Erika Leydi
Vitamin A deficiency leads to a decrease in visual acuity and in turn to a refractive error of the human eye that is known as ametropia and in recent years is a common problem in children, since vitamin intake deficiency and the use of electronic devices used at an early age by infants causes a decrease in vision and the necessary use of optical devices. The affectation of the visual acuity of children has to be determined in a technical way by the optometrist or ophthalmologist, who uses their scientific knowledge and necessary equipment to determine exactly what the level of visual deficit is, in order to find a solution Medical or optical. It is very important that children consume vitamins in their daily diet since they are necessary for physical development, within the vitamins that the child should consume is vitamin A, it is one that helps for visual development avoiding ametropias and pathologies such as Xerophthalmia which are disorders due to vitamin A deficiency and can be prevented by the systematic administration of retinol. In the absence of treatment xerophthalmia evolves very rapidly towards definitive blindness, between 250,000 and 500,000 children go blind every year due to a deficiency of vitamin A, for this reason the community should be motivated to increase vitamin A in the diet daily, especially in children and pregnant women. Vitamin A deficiency leads to a decrease in visual acuity and in turn to a refractive error of the human eye that is known as ametropia and in recent years is a common problem in children, since vitamin intake deficiency and the use of electronic devices used at an early age by infants causes a decrease in vision and the necessary use of optical devices. The affectation of the visual acuity of children has to be determined in a technical way by the optometrist or ophthalmologist, who uses their scientific knowledge and necessary equipment to determine exactly what the level of visual deficit is, in order to find a solution Medical or optical. It is very important that children consume vitamins in their daily diet since they are necessary for physical development, within the vitamins that the child should consume is vitamin A, it is one that helps for visual development avoiding ametropias and pathologies such as Xerophthalmia which are disorders due to vitamin A deficiency and can be prevented by the systematic administration of retinol. In the absence of treatment xerophthalmia evolves very rapidly towards definitive blindness, between 250,000 and 500,000 children go blind every year due to a deficiency of vitamin A, for this reason the community should be motivated to increase vitamin A in the diet daily, especially in children and pregnant women. La deficiencia de vitamina A lleva a una disminución de la agudeza visual y a su vez a un error de refracción del ojo humano el cual se conoce como ametropía y en los últimos años es un problema frecuente en los niños, ya que la deficiencia de ingesta de vitaminas y el uso de los dispositivos electrónicos usados a temprana edad por los infantes provocan una disminución de la visión y el uso necesario de dispositivos ópticos a temprana edad. La afectación de la agudeza visual en los niños, tiene que ser determinado de manera técnica por el optometrista u oftalmólogo, quien utiliza sus conocimientos científicos y los equipos necesarios para determinar de manera exacta cuál es el nivel del déficit visual, para de ésta manera buscar la solución adecuada a la situación del paciente, ya sea ésta médica u óptica. Es de suma importancia que los niños consuman vitaminas en su diaria alimentación ya que ellas son muy necesarias para el desarrollo físico e intelectual, dentro de las vitaminas que deberían consumir los niños está la vitamina A, la misma que brinda una gran ayuda para el desarrollo visual evitando ametropías y patologías como la xeroftalmia, que son trastornos debidos a la carencia de vitamina A y pueden ser prevenidos mediante la administración sistemática de retinol. En ausencia del tratamiento adecuado la xeroftalmia evoluciona con gran rapidez hacia una ceguera definitiva, entre 250,000 y 500,000 niños se quedan ciegos cada año debido a una deficiencia de vitamina A, por tal razón se debe motivar a la comunidad de incrementar la vitamina A en la dieta diaria, especialmente en niños y mujeres embarazadas.