El inventario y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de local comercial de materiales de construcción El Turco del cantón Urdaneta, Los Ríos
Freire Monserrate, Rosa Angelica
El Turco construction materials hardware store, wholesale and retail sales of construction materials; stone, cement, stone, etc., which belongs to Mr. Manssur Fernández Vicente Karim, natural person with Ruc 1206656413001, obliged to keep accounting records, being also a withholding agent, the same has been active since 2008, to date
Keeping an inventory is very useful for marketing or future use, it is a common practice on the planet of entrepreneurial business. In a small company, the manager can keep track of inventory and make these choices. However, since this may not be possible even in small organizations, many companies have saved monumental sums of money by using "scientific inventory management".
Financial profitability indicates the company's capacity to produce profits from the investment made by the shareholders, including the undistributed profits of which they have been deprived. This profitability is calculated using the following coefficient.
The adequate control of inventories to improve the company's productivity is an important part of sales, because this is the engine that helps the improvement and constant increase of the organization, which will be able to show improvements in profits at the time of proposing a solution system to the areas of higher productivity and then implement the control for the inventory of goods, so that the company will have a correct list at the time that consumers require it, in the same way to avoid deterioration and loss of merchandise. Inventory control is not always easy. As your business grows, your inventory also grows, and the difficulty of managing it increases. It is necessary to have the right tools to allow us to advance the increase without losing control.
A growth in the organization's productivity involves an efficient turnover of its current assets and, consequently, a positive conversion of inventories into cash in the shortest possible period of time, i.e., that the goods that are immobilized in inventories are quickly converted into cash. El Turco construction materials hardware store, wholesale and retail sales of construction materials; stone, cement, stone, etc., which belongs to Mr. Manssur Fernández Vicente Karim, natural person with Ruc 1206656413001, obliged to keep accounting records, being also a withholding agent, the same has been active since 2008, to date
Keeping an inventory is very useful for marketing or future use, it is a common practice on the planet of entrepreneurial business. In a small company, the manager can keep track of inventory and make these choices. However, since this may not be possible even in small organizations, many companies have saved monumental sums of money by using "scientific inventory management".
Financial profitability indicates the company's capacity to produce profits from the investment made by the shareholders, including the undistributed profits of which they have been deprived. This profitability is calculated using the following coefficient.
The adequate control of inventories to improve the company's productivity is an important part of sales, because this is the engine that helps the improvement and constant increase of the organization, which will be able to show improvements in profits at the time of proposing a solution system to the areas of higher productivity and then implement the control for the inventory of goods, so that the company will have a correct list at the time that consumers require it, in the same way to avoid deterioration and loss of merchandise. Inventory control is not always easy. As your business grows, your inventory also grows, and the difficulty of managing it increases. It is necessary to have the right tools to allow us to advance the increase without losing control.
A growth in the organization's productivity involves an efficient turnover of its current assets and, consequently, a positive conversion of inventories into cash in the shortest possible period of time, i.e., that the goods that are immobilized in inventories are quickly converted into cash. Ferretería Materiales de construcción el Turco local comercial de ventas al por mayor y menor de materiales de construcción; piedra, cemento, piedra, etcétera, el mismo que es perteneciente al señor Manssur Fernández Vicente Karim, persona natural con Ruc 1206656413001, obligado a llevar contabilidad, siendo también agente de retención, el mismo ha estado activo desde el 2008, hasta la actualidad
Mantener un inventario es muy útil para su comercialización o uso futuro, es una práctica habitual en el planeta de los negocios empresariales. En una compañía pequeña, el administrador puede llevar un recuerdo de su inventario y tomar estas elecciones. No obstante, como esto puede no ser posible inclusive en organizaciones chicas, muchas compañías han ahorrado monumentales sumas de dinero al utilizar la “administración científica del inventario
La rentabilidad financiera señala la capacidad de la empresa para producir utilidades a partir de la inversión realizada por los accionistas incluyendo las utilidades no distribuidas, de las cuales se han privado. Dicha rentabilidad se calcula mediante el siguiente coeficiente.
El adecuado control de inventarios para mejorar la productividad de la compañía consiste en parte importante de ventas, debido a que este es el motor que ayuda a la superación y aumento constante de la organización, con lo que se va a poder evidenciar mejoras en las ganancias al instante de plantear un sistema de solución a las zonas de más grande productividad y después se implemente el control para el inventario de mercaderías, tal cual la compañía dispondrá de un listado correcto en el instante que los consumidores lo requieran, de la misma forma se evitara deterioro y perdidas de mercancía. El control de inventarios no continuamente es sencillo Mientras tu actividad crece, su inventario además lo hace, y la dificultad de administrarlo se incrementa. Se necesita disponer de los instrumentos idóneos que nos permitan avanzar el incremento sin perder el control.
Un crecimiento en la productividad de la organización involucra una rotación eficiente de sus activos circulantes y, por consiguiente, una conversión positiva de los inventarios en dinero en el período de tiempo más corto que se pueda, o sea, que las mercancías que aparecen inmovilizadas en inventarios se conviertan velozmente en dinero.