Análisis del presupuesto del GAD Parroquial de Caracol del periodo 2018-2019
Balarezo Vera, Lidia Esther
The budget of a company is a fundamental basis for its economic performance, since it depends on how the company, in this case, a GAD, can sustain its mandatory payments under the law, not to mention that this also, by be their income paid by the people, or the named users, know that these are the ones who comply with the letter with the necessary payments that the GAD merits, it should also be emphasized that for this study, it must be known that the GAD does not It is a company that must have income greater than its payments since it is a public entity of the government, so there must be a balance, our objective in this investigation is to determine if the GAD meets these requirements that are presented to achieve said objective . The budget of a company is a fundamental basis for its economic performance, since it depends on how the company, in this case, a GAD, can sustain its mandatory payments under the law, not to mention that this also, by be their income paid by the people, or the named users, know that these are the ones who comply with the letter with the necessary payments that the GAD merits, it should also be emphasized that for this study, it must be known that the GAD does not It is a company that must have income greater than its payments since it is a public entity of the government, so there must be a balance, our objective in this investigation is to determine if the GAD meets these requirements that are presented to achieve said objective . El presupuesto de una empresa es una primordial base para el desempeño económico de la misma, puesto que de ella depende el cómo la empresa, en este caso, un GAD, puede sustentar sus pagos obligatorios ante la ley, sin mencionar que esto también, al ser sus ingresos pagos hechos por el pueblo, o los usuarios denominados, saber que estos son los que cumplen al pie de la letra con los pagos necesarios que merita el GAD, también cabe recalcar que para este estudio, hay que saber que el GAD no es una empresa que deba tener ingresos mayores a sus pagos puesto que es una entidad pública del gobierno, por lo que debe existir un balance, nuestro objetivo en esta investigación es el determinar si el GAD cumple con estos requisitos que se presentan para alcanzar dicho objetivo.