Análisis de comunicación alternativa para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en sector La Tarabita, año 2021
Guzman Anzules, Gilson Daniel
The present work was carried out in the city of Quevedo, “La Tarabita” sector, the primary objective of this study was to determine alternative communication and the impact on the inclusion of the community with special abilities in the “La Tarabita” sector in 2021; specifically, the case study covered understanding the way in which alternative and augmentative communication influences the community when there are people with sensory limitations in their environment. From that point of view, when reviewing the theoretical aspects, it was shown that the types of alternative languages play an essential role in the communication of people with sensory disabilities of speech, vision or hearing. Within the analysis of the braille system or sign language, the use is proposed to achieve the inclusion of people with sensory disabilities, minimizing communication gaps and preventing people with this type of characteristics from being excluded and discriminated against. In the methodological part, the inductive and deductive methods were used, the research was documentary, quantitative, the survey technique was applied to 102 people from the “La Tarabita” sector, a questionnaire with response alternatives was used, the results of which identified the need that alternative communication should be taught as one more subject in the school environment to obtain a true generalized inclusion of individuals with sensory disabilities. In conclusion, it is necessary for society to learn through videos, courses, face-to-face or virtual talks, the alternative-augmentative communication system to integrate people with disabilities. The present work was carried out in the city of Quevedo, “La Tarabita” sector, the primary objective of this study was to determine alternative communication and the impact on the inclusion of the community with special abilities in the “La Tarabita” sector in 2021; specifically, the case study covered understanding the way in which alternative and augmentative communication influences the community when there are people with sensory limitations in their environment. From that point of view, when reviewing the theoretical aspects, it was shown that the types of alternative languages play an essential role in the communication of people with sensory disabilities of speech, vision or hearing. Within the analysis of the braille system or sign language, the use is proposed to achieve the inclusion of people with sensory disabilities, minimizing communication gaps and preventing people with this type of characteristics from being excluded and discriminated against. In the methodological part, the inductive and deductive methods were used, the research was documentary, quantitative, the survey technique was applied to 102 people from the “La Tarabita” sector, a questionnaire with response alternatives was used, the results of which identified the need that alternative communication should be taught as one more subject in the school environment to obtain a true generalized inclusion of individuals with sensory disabilities. In conclusion, it is necessary for society to learn through videos, courses, face-to-face or virtual talks, the alternative-augmentative communication system to integrate people with disabilities. El presente trabajo se realizó en la ciudad de Quevedo, sector “La Tarabita”, el objetivo primordial del presente estudio fue determinar la comunicación alternativa y la incidencia en la inclusión de la comunidad con capacidades especiales del sector “La Tarabita” año 2021; específicamente el estudio de caso abarcó comprender la forma en que influye la comunicación alternativa y aumentativa en la comunidad cuando en su entorno hay personas con limitaciones sensoriales. Desde ese punto de vista, al revisar los aspectos teóricos se evidenció que los tipos de lenguajes alternativos cumplen un papel esencial en la comunicación de personas con discapacidades sensoriales del habla, visión o auditiva. Dentro del análisis del sistema braille o el lenguaje de señas se propone el uso para lograr la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad sensorial, minimizando las brechas de comunicación y evitando que las personas con este tipo de características sean excluidas y discriminadas. En la parte metodológica se utilizaron los métodos inductivo y deductivo, la investigación fue de carácter documental, cuantitativo, se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta a 102 personas del sector “La Tarabita”, se utilizó un cuestionario con alternativas de respuesta, cuyos resultados identificaron la necesidad de que la comunicación alternativa debe ser impartida como una asignatura más en el ámbito escolar para obtener una verdadera inclusión generalizada de los individuos con discapacidad sensorial. En conclusión, es necesario que la sociedad aprenda mediante videos, cursos, charlas presenciales o virtuales el sistema de comunicación alternativa-aumentativa para integrar a las personas con discapacidad.