| bachelorThesis
Análisis comparativo del sistema de auditoría tradicional y un sistema de auditoría Blockchain e IPES.
Cambo Chillo, Lady Verónica
The proposal of this case study compares the efficiency, speed, security, scalability and performance of a traditional auditing system and a Blockchain and IPFS (Interplanetary File System) interplanetary client information file system, the client information client discusses current auditing system issues and outlines the benefits of implementing a Blockchain and IPFS auditing system. The problem with the plantation is: How high is the level of security and adaptability that this Blockchain system provides to be trusted in the audience of a corporate interface versus a traditional system?. The study was carried out with a quantitative approach that compares the efficiency, speed, security, scalability, centralized and decentralized architecture of the architecture of the area with the same infrastructure. Capable of gaining insight into the efficiency, performance, and scalability of traditional and custom crash reports displayed in a variety of information packages and scenarios. One of the benefits of applying a Blockchain system is the simplified information transmission process, which provides greater speed of work, eliminates mediation and creates an atmosphere of transparency. The proposal of this case study compares the efficiency, speed, security, scalability and performance of a traditional auditing system and a Blockchain and IPFS (Interplanetary File System) interplanetary client information file system, the client information client discusses current auditing system issues and outlines the benefits of implementing a Blockchain and IPFS auditing system. The problem with the plantation is: How high is the level of security and adaptability that this Blockchain system provides to be trusted in the audience of a corporate interface versus a traditional system?. The study was carried out with a quantitative approach that compares the efficiency, speed, security, scalability, centralized and decentralized architecture of the architecture of the area with the same infrastructure. Capable of gaining insight into the efficiency, performance, and scalability of traditional and custom crash reports displayed in a variety of information packages and scenarios. One of the benefits of applying a Blockchain system is the simplified information transmission process, which provides greater speed of work, eliminates mediation and creates an atmosphere of transparency. La propuesta de este caso de estudio compara la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad, la escalabilidad y el rendimiento de un sistema de auditoría tradicional y un sistema de archivo interplanetario de información del cliente Blockchain e IPFS (Interplanetary File System), la información del cliente discute los problemas actuales del sistema de auditoría y expone los beneficios de implementar un sistema de auditoría Blockchain e IPFS. El problema con la plantación es: ¿Qué tan alto es el nivel de seguridad y adaptabilidad que proporciona este sistema Blockchain para ser confiable en el auditorio de una interfaz corporativa frente a un sistema tradicional?. El estudio se realizó con un enfoque cuantitativo que compara la eficiencia, velocidad, seguridad, escalabilidad, arquitectura centralizada y descentralizada de la arquitectura de la zona con la misma infraestructura. Capaz de obtener información sobre la eficiencia, el rendimiento y la escalabilidad de los informes tradicionales y de bloqueo personalizado que se muestran en una variedad de paquetes y escenarios de información. Uno de los beneficios de aplicar un sistema Blockchain es el proceso de transmisión de información simplificado, lo que proporciona una mayor velocidad de trabajo, elimina la mediación y crea una atmósfera de transparencia.