Desnutrición en gestantes de 19 semanas
Jaramillo Guerrero, Anabel Carolina
Among the important elements for the development of a country is health, especially that of pregnant women as they are a vulnerable group. The weight of the newborn is linked to the nutritional status of the pregnant woman, compromising the health of new citizens being critical determinants of the health of the individual in adulthood. Morbidity and mortality in populations, is increased by malnutrition, decreases productive capacity, quality of life, increasing social costs, increasing poverty belts, which affects the population causing inequality and exclusion due to lack of access to health, education, employment, basic sanitation, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty, hunger and disease or also called malnutrition and poverty. We present the case of a 17-year-old patient with severe thinness and a pregnancy of 19.3 weeks of gestation by ultrasound, who attended the second-level hospital for emergency care with a clinical picture of fever with 14 hours of evolution, pain in the lumbosacral region with 10 hours of evolution, ultrasound scan shows a single transverse live product with a fcf of 15 bpm. after 3 hours it is re-evaluated with signs of pa: 91/55 mmhg, fc 102 bpm, t 37.5 ° c sat 98%, fr 20 rpm, therefore admission is indicated. Among the important elements for the development of a country is health, especially that of pregnant women as they are a vulnerable group. The weight of the newborn is linked to the nutritional status of the pregnant woman, compromising the health of new citizens being critical determinants of the health of the individual in adulthood. Morbidity and mortality in populations, is increased by malnutrition, decreases productive capacity, quality of life, increasing social costs, increasing poverty belts, which affects the population causing inequality and exclusion due to lack of access to health, education, employment, basic sanitation, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty, hunger and disease or also called malnutrition and poverty. We present the case of a 17-year-old patient with severe thinness and a pregnancy of 19.3 weeks of gestation by ultrasound, who attended the second-level hospital for emergency care with a clinical picture of fever with 14 hours of evolution, pain in the lumbosacral region with 10 hours of evolution, ultrasound scan shows a single transverse live product with a fcf of 15 bpm. after 3 hours it is re-evaluated with signs of pa: 91/55 mmhg, fc 102 bpm, t 37.5 ° c sat 98%, fr 20 rpm, therefore admission is indicated. Entre los elementos importantes para el desarrollo de un país está la salud, especialmente la de las embarazadas pues son un grupo vulnerable. El peso del recién nacido está ligado al estado nutricional de la gestante, comprometiendo la salud de los nuevos ciudadanos siendo determinantes críticos para la salud del individuo en su adultez. La morbimortalidad en las poblaciones, se ve incrementada por la malnutrición, disminuye la capacidad productiva, la calidad de vida, aumentando los costos sociales, incrementando de los cinturones de pobreza, lo que repercute en la población causando desigualdad y exclusión por falta de acceso a la salud, educación, empleo, saneamiento básico, perpetuando así el ciclo de pobreza hambre y enfermedad o también denominado desnutrición y pobreza. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 17 años con delgadez severa IMC (Indice de Masa Corporal) de 15 y un embarazo de 19.3 semanas de gestación por ecografía, con rastreo ecográfico se observa producto único vivo transverso con fcf de 15 lpm. luego de 3 horas se revalora con signos de pa: 91/55 mmhg, fc 102 lpm, t 37.5°c sat 98%, fr 20 rpm, Exámenes De Laboratorio: Leucocitos 7.2, Neutrofilos 79.7, Linfocitos 9.8, Hb 11.2, Hematocrito: 33.6, Plaquetas 203, Vih Y Vdrl No Reactivo. Glucosa 72.9. Urea 10, Creatinina 0.27, Tgo 16.5, Tgp 10.9, Grupo Sanguineo 0 Positivo. Sodio 139, Potasio 3.8, Cloro 103, por lo que se indica ingreso.