Fiestas patronales de Yaguachi y su aporte al turismo del cantón
Aviles Pluas, Shirley Valeria
This case study focuses on the promotion of the Patron Festivities of the Yaguachi Canton, which aims to analyze the most important aspects of the problem in order to identify the tourist contribution of these festivities to the canton. This study is of vital importance since the canton will be able to benefit from tourism, will exhibit its culture and show that even if it is a small place it has tourist potential, it only needs specialists to manage its path towards tourism. To obtain a possible solution to the problem posed, the variables and themes that make up the research were studied. These studies have been developed with the help of techniques such as observation, which is supportive of living in a place that is being investigated; bibliographic, this has served to support research in other works previously carried out and thus achieve the highest accuracy; Surveys of the inhabitants of the canton were essential to acquire knowledge about the position of the population regarding the problem in question and interview, this point was carried out with the collaboration of the Department of Education and Culture of the GAD of Yaguachi. Once the investigations were completed, the findings and tentative solutions were raised. This case study focuses on the promotion of the Patron Festivities of the Yaguachi Canton, which aims to analyze the most important aspects of the problem in order to identify the tourist contribution of these festivities to the canton. This study is of vital importance since the canton will be able to benefit from tourism, will exhibit its culture and show that even if it is a small place it has tourist potential, it only needs specialists to manage its path towards tourism. To obtain a possible solution to the problem posed, the variables and themes that make up the research were studied. These studies have been developed with the help of techniques such as observation, which is supportive of living in a place that is being investigated; bibliographic, this has served to support research in other works previously carried out and thus achieve the highest accuracy; Surveys of the inhabitants of the canton were essential to acquire knowledge about the position of the population regarding the problem in question and interview, this point was carried out with the collaboration of the Department of Education and Culture of the GAD of Yaguachi. Once the investigations were completed, the findings and tentative solutions were raised. El presente estudio de caso se enfoca en la promoción de las Fiestas Patronales del Cantón Yaguachi, con el cual se pretende analizar los aspectos más importantes de la problemática para identificar cuál es el aporte turístico de estas festividades al cantón. Es de vital importancia este estudio ya que el cantón se podrá beneficiar del turismo, expondrá su cultura y demostrará que, aunque sea un lugar pequeño tiene potencial turístico, sólo necesita a especialistas que gestionen su camino hacia el turismo. Para obtener una posible solución al problema planteado se estudiaron las variables y las temáticas que conforman la investigación. Estos estudios se los ha desarrollado con la ayuda de técnicas como observación, lo cual es de apoyo vivir en un lugar que se está investigando; bibliográfica, esto ha servido para sustentar la investigación en otros trabajos antes realizados y así conseguir la mayor exactitud; encuestas realizadas a habitantes del cantón lo primordial era adquirir conocimientos sobre la postura de la población referente a la problemática en cuestión y entrevista, este punto se lo realizó con la colaboración del departamento de Educación y Cultura del GAD de Yaguachi. Una vez culminadas las investigaciones se plantearon los hallazgos y las tentativas soluciones.