Paciente masculino de 45 años diagnosticado con neumonía nosocomial
Cagua Macías, Damaris Jumely
Nosocomial pneumonia is defined as an infection that affects the lung parenchyma and is acquired during a hospital stay, it is considered as this when it arises 48 to 72 hours after hospital admission or if it occurs after 7 days after medical discharge. (Mulet, 2008). It is very important to specify the type of bacterial etiology and its evolution. To recognize if it is an early nosocomial pneumonia or a late-onset nosocomial pneumonia, it is differentiated because the early one occurs between 48 to 96 hours after admission, and the late one is not yet fully defined. Nosocomial pneumonia is the intrahospital infection that is associated with a higher rate of morbidity and mortality (Díaz, 2013). Early-onset nosocomial pneumonia presents germs that are related to community-acquired pneumonia in addition to other inhaled pathogens in intubation or changes in consciousness. In contrast, late-onset nosocomial pneumonia occurs due to the inhalation of Gram negative germs present in the oropharynx and gastric secretions; these microorganisms are difficult to treat with common drugs. The diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia varies from patient to patient. There are different diagnostic modalities considered difficult to evaluate because it does not clearly have the gold standard with which to compare them. In general, to come to think of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilation-related pneumonia they are based on the relationship given between the clinical and radiological signs. (Goikoetxea, 2014). Nosocomial pneumonia is defined as an infection that affects the lung parenchyma and is acquired during a hospital stay, it is considered as this when it arises 48 to 72 hours after hospital admission or if it occurs after 7 days after medical discharge. (Mulet, 2008). It is very important to specify the type of bacterial etiology and its evolution. To recognize if it is an early nosocomial pneumonia or a late-onset nosocomial pneumonia, it is differentiated because the early one occurs between 48 to 96 hours after admission, and the late one is not yet fully defined. Nosocomial pneumonia is the intrahospital infection that is associated with a higher rate of morbidity and mortality (Díaz, 2013). Early-onset nosocomial pneumonia presents germs that are related to community-acquired pneumonia in addition to other inhaled pathogens in intubation or changes in consciousness. In contrast, late-onset nosocomial pneumonia occurs due to the inhalation of Gram negative germs present in the oropharynx and gastric secretions; these microorganisms are difficult to treat with common drugs. The diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia varies from patient to patient. There are different diagnostic modalities considered difficult to evaluate because it does not clearly have the gold standard with which to compare them. In general, to come to think of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilation-related pneumonia they are based on the relationship given between the clinical and radiological signs. (Goikoetxea, 2014). La neumonía nosocomial se define como una infección que afecta el parénquima pulmonar y se adquiere en estancia hospitalaria, se considera como esta cuando surge tras 48 a 72 horas del ingreso hospitalario o si se da después de 7 días de del alta médica. (Mulet, 2008). Es muy importante especificar el tipo de etiología bacteriana y su evolución. Para reconocer si se trata de una neumonía nosocomial temprana o una neumonía nosocomial de aparición tardía, se diferencia por que la temprana se produce entre las 48 a 96 horas posteriores al ingreso, y la tardía aún no está totalmente definida. La neumonía nosocomial es la infección intrahospitalaria que está asociada a una superior tasa de morbimortalidad (Díaz, 2013). La neumonía nosocomial de aparición temprana presenta gérmenes que se relacionan con la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad además de otros patógenos inhaladas en la intubación o cambios de conciencia. En cambio, la neumonía nosocomial de manifestación tardía se da por la inhalación de gérmenes Gram negativos presentes en la orofaringe y secreciones gástricas, estos microorganismos son difíciles de tratar con fármacos habituales. El diagnóstico de la neumonía nosocomial varía según los pacientes. Existe diferentes modalidades de diagnóstico considerado difíciles de evaluar porque no posee del patrón de oro de forma evidente con que compararlos. Por lo general para llegar a pensar en neumonía nosocomial y neumonía relacionada a la ventilación se basan en la relación dada entre los signos clínicos y radiológicos. (Goikoetxea, 2014).