Proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 17 años con anorexia nerviosa.
Guapulema Ramos, María De Los Ángeles
The term anorexia literally means loss of appetite. However, most people with anorexia nervosa are very hungry, since they do not really lose their appetite, until the damage that the practice of this inappropriate eating habit has caused becomes very noticeable. Anorexia nervosa is a serious disorder that occurs in most cases in adolescents, manifested by strong self-control in the diet, and therefore in the desperate decision to lose weight in an extreme way, which leads to malnutrition that enhances a risk in the life of those who practice it. This case study is based on the nursing care process focused on a 17-year-old patient with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, which is a highly complex mental disorder, represented by inadequate food intake. People with anorexia nervosa have a decrease in heart rate, low blood pressure, low body temperature, and in several cases they tend to develop fine body hair, or in turn, excess facial hair. This condition refers to complications such as: abdominal distention, discomfort and constipation, as well as it is associated with depression, dysthymia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, expressed by the partial or total rejection of social life. The term anorexia literally means loss of appetite. However, most people with anorexia nervosa are very hungry, since they do not really lose their appetite, until the damage that the practice of this inappropriate eating habit has caused becomes very noticeable. Anorexia nervosa is a serious disorder that occurs in most cases in adolescents, manifested by strong self-control in the diet, and therefore in the desperate decision to lose weight in an extreme way, which leads to malnutrition that enhances a risk in the life of those who practice it. This case study is based on the nursing care process focused on a 17-year-old patient with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, which is a highly complex mental disorder, represented by inadequate food intake. People with anorexia nervosa have a decrease in heart rate, low blood pressure, low body temperature, and in several cases they tend to develop fine body hair, or in turn, excess facial hair. This condition refers to complications such as: abdominal distention, discomfort and constipation, as well as it is associated with depression, dysthymia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, expressed by the partial or total rejection of social life. El término anorexia significa literalmente pérdida de apetito. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas con anorexia nerviosa tienen mucha hambre, ya que en realidad no pierden el apetito, hasta que se vuelve muy notorio el daño que ha ocasionado la práctica de este inadecuado hábito alimenticio. La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno grave que se presenta en la mayoría de los casos en adolescentes, manifestada por un fuerte autocontrol en la dieta, y por tanto en la decisión desesperada de adelgazar de una forma extrema, lo que conlleva una desnutrición que potencia un riesgo en la vida de quien lo practica. El presente estudio de caso está basado en el proceso de atención de enfermería enfocado en una paciente de 17 años con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa, el cual es un trastorno mental de alta complejidad, representado por la inadecuada ingesta de alimentos. Las personas con anorexia nerviosa presentan disminución en la frecuencia cardíaca, hipotensión arterial, baja temperatura corporal y en varios casos suelen desarrollar un vello corporal fino, o a su vez exceso de vello facial. Esta afección refiere complicaciones como: distensión abdominal, malestar y constipación, al igual que se asocia a la depresión, distimia, y trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, expresado por el rechazo parcial o total a la vida social.