Paciente de 54 años de sexo femenino con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda.
Pazmiño Suarez, Melody Brigitte
A descriptive study of a 54-year-old female patient with acute respiratory failure was carried out, in order to characterize them according to some variables of interest. The information was collected through the review application of the patient's medical records that were analyzed. An educational plan for the relatives of patients with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) to apply home preventive measures, information on risk factors, warning signs and symptoms of respiratory infections to prevent or prevent acute respiratory failure and they can go to the doctor in time. The essential function of the respiratory system is to ensure that there are optimal levels of oxygen (O2) and adequate removal of carbon dioxide (CO2). For this gas exchange to be correct, the functions of the respiratory system must be carried out correctly. These functions are: ventilation (entry of air into the lungs), alveolar capillary diffusion (movement of O2 and CO2 between the pulmonary alveoli and blood) and blood perfusion (blood flow to the lungs). Any alteration in one or more of these functions causes a failure in the pulmonary gas exchange, which causes respiratory failure. A descriptive study of a 54-year-old female patient with acute respiratory failure was carried out, in order to characterize them according to some variables of interest. The information was collected through the review application of the patient's medical records that were analyzed. An educational plan for the relatives of patients with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) to apply home preventive measures, information on risk factors, warning signs and symptoms of respiratory infections to prevent or prevent acute respiratory failure and they can go to the doctor in time. The essential function of the respiratory system is to ensure that there are optimal levels of oxygen (O2) and adequate removal of carbon dioxide (CO2). For this gas exchange to be correct, the functions of the respiratory system must be carried out correctly. These functions are: ventilation (entry of air into the lungs), alveolar capillary diffusion (movement of O2 and CO2 between the pulmonary alveoli and blood) and blood perfusion (blood flow to the lungs). Any alteration in one or more of these functions causes a failure in the pulmonary gas exchange, which causes respiratory failure. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de paciente de 54 años de sexo femenino con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, a fin de caracterizarles según algunas variables de interés. La información fue recolectada mediante la aplicación de revisión de historia clínicas de la paciente que fueron analizadas. Un plan educativo para los familiares de los pacientes que tienen Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda (I.R.A) para que apliquen las medidas preventivas domiciliarias, información sobre los factores de riesgo, signos y síntomas de alarma de las infecciones respiratorias para evitar o poder una insuficiencia respiraría aguda y puedan acudir a tiempo al médico. La función esencial del aparato respiratorio consiste en procurar que existan unos niveles óptimos de oxígeno (O2) y una adecuada eliminación de dióxido de carbónico (CO2). Para que este intercambio de gases sea correcto es necesario que las funciones del aparato respiratorio se realicen correctamente. Estas funciones son: ventilación (entrada de aire en los pulmones), difusión alveolo-capilar (movimiento del O2 y CO2 entre los alvéolos pulmonares y la sangre) y perfusión sanguínea (flujo de sangre a los pulmones). Cualquier alteración en una o varias de estas funciones origina un fallo en el intercambio pulmonar de gases, lo cual provoca insuficiencia respiratoria.