Políticas de selección y reclutamiento de personal de la Hacienda Bananera La Margarita - Baba
Hernandez Murillo, Cinthia Katiuska
The purpose of this case study is to publicize the processes of Recruitment and Selection of personnel at Hacienda Bananera La Margarita, which are considered to fill vacancies in the agricultural sector, as well as to determine if policies are used for the hiring of said vacancies. Recruitment and personnel selection policies are guidelines to follow, which are aimed at providing human resources to a company or organization at the appropriate time. The Banana Farm does not have a manual or guide to hire personnel, the day laborers are often rotated, and they do not have the experience and knowledge necessary to work in positions, such as: disinfection, packaging and loading. Finally, the administrative staff does not have a record of the people who work and have worked in the company. All the information could be obtained through an interview and surveys carried out with the workers' personnel. The purpose of this case study is to publicize the processes of Recruitment and Selection of personnel at Hacienda Bananera La Margarita, which are considered to fill vacancies in the agricultural sector, as well as to determine if policies are used for the hiring of said vacancies. Recruitment and personnel selection policies are guidelines to follow, which are aimed at providing human resources to a company or organization at the appropriate time. The Banana Farm does not have a manual or guide to hire personnel, the day laborers are often rotated, and they do not have the experience and knowledge necessary to work in positions, such as: disinfection, packaging and loading. Finally, the administrative staff does not have a record of the people who work and have worked in the company. All the information could be obtained through an interview and surveys carried out with the workers' personnel. El presente estudio de caso tiene como finalidad dar a conocer los procesos de Reclutamiento y Selección de personal de la Hacienda Bananera La Margarita, que se consideran para cubrir vacantes en el sector agrícola, asimismo determinar si se emplean políticas para el contrato de dichas vacantes. Las políticas de reclutamiento y selección de personal son lineamientos a seguir, que se orientan en proveer de recurso humano a una empresa u organización en el momento oportuno. La Hacienda Bananera no posee un manual o guía para contratar personal, los jornaleros son rotados a menudo, además no tienen la experiencia y los conocimientos necesarios para laborar en puestos, tales como: desinfección, embalaje y carga. Por último el personal administrativo no posee un registro de las personas que laboran y han laborado en la empresa. Toda la información se la pudo recabar mediante una entrevista y encuestas realizadas al personal obrero.