| bachelorThesis
Herbicidas hormonales mecanismo de acción
Torres Vasconez, Thalia Sherly
Hormonal herbicides have the ability to control weeds by affecting their chemical physiological process as they penetrate the interior of the plants and move within them from the site where they penetrated to the site where they exert their action.
They are made up of chemical families: Phenoxyacetic Acids, Benzoic Acids and Peridines.
Its mechanism of action, which is exerted or produced by controlling the hormonal part of the plant, which triggers several processes in order to generate the death of the plant, there is another mechanism of action that also affects the hormonal part of the plant, what they are pipo auxin herbicides.
This work obtained summaries through the analysis technique so that the reader knows the importance of hormonal herbicides action, it was determined that to promote the mechanisms of action, the correct dose must be applied, allowing a group of symptoms such as: the paralysis of growth in root meristems, loss of tropism.
As a recommendation when applying herbicides, it should be the correct dose, taking into account climate factors such as wind and temperature. Hormonal herbicides have the ability to control weeds by affecting their chemical physiological process as they penetrate the interior of the plants and move within them from the site where they penetrated to the site where they exert their action.
They are made up of chemical families: Phenoxyacetic Acids, Benzoic Acids and Peridines.
Its mechanism of action, which is exerted or produced by controlling the hormonal part of the plant, which triggers several processes in order to generate the death of the plant, there is another mechanism of action that also affects the hormonal part of the plant, what they are pipo auxin herbicides.
This work obtained summaries through the analysis technique so that the reader knows the importance of hormonal herbicides action, it was determined that to promote the mechanisms of action, the correct dose must be applied, allowing a group of symptoms such as: the paralysis of growth in root meristems, loss of tropism.
As a recommendation when applying herbicides, it should be the correct dose, taking into account climate factors such as wind and temperature. Los herbicidas hormonales en la capacidad controlar las malezas afectando su proceso fisiológico químico ya que penetra al interior de las plantas y se mueve dentro de ella Desde el sitio donde se penetró hasta el sitio donde ejerce su acción
Están conformados por familias químicas: Acidos Fenoxiacéticos, Acidos Benzoicos y Peridinas.
Su mecanismo de acción qué se ejerce o se produce al controlar la parte hormonal de la planta lo que hace desencadenar varios procesos con el fin de generar la muerte de la planta existe otro mecanismo de acción que también afecta la parte hormonal en la planta qué son los herbicidas de tipo auxinas.
Este trabajo obtuvo mediante la técnica de análisis resúmenes para que lector conozca la importancia de los herbicidas hormonales acción se determinó que para promover los mecanismos de acción se debe aplicar la dosis correcta permitiendo un grupo síntomas como: la paralización del crecimiento en meristemos de las raíces, pérdida del tropismo.
Como recomendación al momento de aplicar los herbicidas que sea la dosis correcta teniendo en cuenta los factores de clima como el viento y temperatura.