Factores de riesgo en el tratamiento de la fototerapia en pacientes neonatos con hiperbilirrubinemia, Hospital General IESS Babahoyo diciembre 2022- mayo 2023.
Alban López, Cecibel Danyelly
Contreras Balarezo, Olga Odalys
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia presents as a yellowish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes, reflecting a temporary alteration between the elimination and production of bilirubin. There are multiple causes of neonatal jaundice, being a frequent problem around the world. The complications that we are most interested in avoiding are changes in the newborn's nervous system, kernicterus, as well as hearing changes, since they leave serious and disabling sequelae. Phototherapy is one of the most effective treatments for the control of neonatal jaundice, it consists of exposing the newborn to a fluorescent light source. Nurses must be trained in the use of Phototherapy in neonates since they demand a lot of care. In the present investigation it was established to determine the risk factors in the treatment of phototherapy in neonatal patients with hyperbilirubinemia at the General Hospital Iess Babahoyo period December 2022-May 2023. A descriptive cross-sectional study was developed, where the techniques and instrument The study will be carried out through the review and documentary analysis of the medical records. The study population was made up of 95 patients admitted to the NICU unit of the Iess Babahoyo General Hospital during the period from December 2022 to May 2023. The results obtained allowed us to determine that the risk factors are gestational age, birth weight and incompatibility. ABO, phototherapy being the treatment of choice since it indicates a high percentage of effectiveness. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia presents as a yellowish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes, reflecting a temporary alteration between the elimination and production of bilirubin. There are multiple causes of neonatal jaundice, being a frequent problem around the world. The complications that we are most interested in avoiding are changes in the newborn's nervous system, kernicterus, as well as hearing changes, since they leave serious and disabling sequelae. Phototherapy is one of the most effective treatments for the control of neonatal jaundice, it consists of exposing the newborn to a fluorescent light source. Nurses must be trained in the use of Phototherapy in neonates since they demand a lot of care. In the present investigation it was established to determine the risk factors in the treatment of phototherapy in neonatal patients with hyperbilirubinemia at the General Hospital Iess Babahoyo period December 2022-May 2023. A descriptive cross-sectional study was developed, where the techniques and instrument The study will be carried out through the review and documentary analysis of the medical records. The study population was made up of 95 patients admitted to the NICU unit of the Iess Babahoyo General Hospital during the period from December 2022 to May 2023. The results obtained allowed us to determine that the risk factors are gestational age, birth weight and incompatibility. ABO, phototherapy being the treatment of choice since it indicates a high percentage of effectiveness. La hiperbilirrubinemia neonatal se presenta como la coloración amarillenta a nivel de piel y de mucosas, reflejando una alteración temporal entre la eliminación y la producción de bilirrubina. Hay múltiples causas de ictericia neonatal, siendo un problema frecuente alrededor de todo el mundo. Las complicaciones más frecuentes son las alteraciones en el sistema nervioso del recién nacido, kernicterus, al igual que las alteraciones auditivas ya que dejan secuelas graves e incapacitantes. La fototerapia es uno de los tratamientos más eficaces para el control de ictericia neonatal, consiste en la exposición del neonato a la fuente de luz fluorescente. Los enfermeros deben estar capacitados en cuanto al uso de Fototerapia en neonatos ya que demandan muchos cuidados y precaución. En la presente investigación se estableció determinar los factores de riesgo en el tratamiento de la fototerapia en pacientes neonatos con hiperbilirrubinemia en el Hospital general Iess Babahoyo periodo Diciembre 2022- Mayo 2023. Se desarrolló un estudio tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, donde las técnicas e instrumento de estudio se ejecutaran atraves de la revisión y análisis documental de las historias clínicas. La población de estudio quedó conformada por 95 pacientes ingresados en la unidad de Ucin del Hospital General Iess Babahoyo durante el lapso de Diciembre 2022 a Mayo 2023. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron determinar que los factores de riesgo son la edad gestacional, peso al nacer e incompatibilidad ABO, siendo la fototerapia el tratamiento de elección ya que indica alto porcentaje de efectividad.