Carencia afectiva paternal y su incidencia en el comportamiento de un adolescente de 15 años de edad en la ciudad de Babahoyo
Sarco Gomez, Diana Carolina
The purpose of this research is to determine the condition of paternal affective deprivation and its impact on the behavior of a 15-year-old adolescent from the city of Babahoyo based on family conflict such as: the separation of the parents and constant fights in the family, the absence of affection is a problem since in the long run it affects the emotional state of the adolescent in which it is reflected in the behavior of the patient, in the development of the case they were collected important data for the progress of the study and its respective preparation; Techniques were applied according to the symptomatology such as: psychological interview and clinical observation, while psychometric tools such as: clinical history and complementary tests were very helpful in reaching a presumptive diagnosis such as intermittent explosive disorder in order to obtain good results. At the same time, provide support and guidance throughout the therapy process to the adolescent through which cognitive behavioral therapy was worked on, where excellent results were provided, such as having control of thoughts, emotions of behavior, while the systemic approach helps to improve family relationships by promoting implicit communication. The purpose of this research is to determine the condition of paternal affective deprivation and its impact on the behavior of a 15-year-old adolescent from the city of Babahoyo based on family conflict such as: the separation of the parents and constant fights in the family, the absence of affection is a problem since in the long run it affects the emotional state of the adolescent in which it is reflected in the behavior of the patient, in the development of the case they were collected important data for the progress of the study and its respective preparation; Techniques were applied according to the symptomatology such as: psychological interview and clinical observation, while psychometric tools such as: clinical history and complementary tests were very helpful in reaching a presumptive diagnosis such as intermittent explosive disorder in order to obtain good results. At the same time, provide support and guidance throughout the therapy process to the adolescent through which cognitive behavioral therapy was worked on, where excellent results were provided, such as having control of thoughts, emotions of behavior, while the systemic approach helps to improve family relationships by promoting implicit communication. La presente investigación tiene la finalidad de determinar el padecimiento en la carencia afectiva paternal y su incidencia en el comportamiento de un adolescente de 15 años edad de la ciudad de Babahoyo en base al conflicto familiar como: la separación de los padres y peleas constantes en la familia, la ausencia de afecto es un problema ya que a la larga repercute en el estado emocional del adolescente en el cual se ve reflejado en el comportamiento del paciente, en el desarrollo del caso se recopilaron datos importantes para el progreso del estudio y su respectiva elaboración; se aplicaron técnicas acorde a la sintomatología como: entrevista psicológica y observación clínica mientras que las herramientas psicométricas como: historia clínica y los test complementarios fue de mucha ayuda para llegar a un diagnostico presuntivo como trastorno explosivo intermitente con la finalidad de obtener buenos resultados a su vez brindar apoyo y orientación en todo el proceso de terapia al adolescente mediante el cual se trabajó con la terapia cognitivo conductual donde se facilitó resultados excelentes como tener el control de pensamientos, emociones de conducta mientras que el enfoque sistémico ayuda a mejorar las relaciones familiares fomentando la comunicación implícita.