El podcats para el desarrollo de contenidos comunicacionales digitales
Candelario Alvario, Nathaly Nayely
In the present case study, the use of the virtual podcast tool in content development is oriented, for which it intends to analyze how podcasts can be used for the development of digital communication content, which is required to be able to build its own content. virtual and the benefits that this would bring, for which its methodology is oriented under a qualitative design with a descriptive approach, where the characteristics of the facts or phenomena studied will be described, the documentary modality will be applied for the collection of scientific information related to the subject, in addition, field research is used, which is developed in the territory by means of information collection techniques such as the interview and a tool such as the questionnaire, the descriptive methods are considered, the analytical-synthetic method, taking as a population two digital media journalists from the city of Babahoyo, confirming the same population as a sample for being in the small range, obtaining as results that the podcast is like virtual radio, with a series of innovative content with new platforms, it focuses on another type of audience, it has more breadth, to Its use requires a recording studio with good sound quality, having a clear idea of what is going to be transmitted, studying the audience, having something well planned and being able to capture what people like, being more used internationally than nationally. In the present case study, the use of the virtual podcast tool in content development is oriented, for which it intends to analyze how podcasts can be used for the development of digital communication content, which is required to be able to build its own content. virtual and the benefits that this would bring, for which its methodology is oriented under a qualitative design with a descriptive approach, where the characteristics of the facts or phenomena studied will be described, the documentary modality will be applied for the collection of scientific information related to the subject, in addition, field research is used, which is developed in the territory by means of information collection techniques such as the interview and a tool such as the questionnaire, the descriptive methods are considered, the analytical-synthetic method, taking as a population two digital media journalists from the city of Babahoyo, confirming the same population as a sample for being in the small range, obtaining as results that the podcast is like virtual radio, with a series of innovative content with new platforms, it focuses on another type of audience, it has more breadth, to Its use requires a recording studio with good sound quality, having a clear idea of what is going to be transmitted, studying the audience, having something well planned and being able to capture what people like, being more used internationally than nationally. El presente estudio de caso está orientado al uso de la herramienta virtual podcast en el desarrollo de contenidos, el mismo pretende analizar de qué manera el podcats puede ser utilizado para el desarrollo de contenidos comunicacionales digitales, que requiere para poder construir sus propios contenidos virtuales y los beneficios que este traería consigo, su metodología se orienta bajo un diseño cualitativo con enfoque descriptivo, donde se describirán las características de los hechos o fenómenos estudiados, se aplicará la modalidad documental para la recopilación de la información científica relacionada al tema, además, se utiliza la investigación de campo, misma que se desarrolla en territorio por medio de técnicas de recolección de la información como la entrevista y una herramienta como el cuestionario, se consideran los métodos descriptivo, , el método analítico-sintético, teniendo como población a dos periodistas de medios digitales de la ciudad de Babahoyo, confirmando como muestra a la misma población por estar en el rango de pequeña, obteniendo como resultados que el podcast es como la radio virtual, con una serie de contenidos innovadores con nuevas plataformas se enfoca a otro tipo de público, se tiene más amplitud, para su utilización se requiere de un estudio de grabación con buena calidad de sonido, tener una idea clara de que es lo se va a transmitir, estudiar a la audiencia, tener algo bien planificado y poder captar a la gente de lo que le guste, siendo más utilizado a nivel internacional que nacional.