Análisis de vulnerabilidades en el tráfico de la red y estructura física del wifi en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
Diaz Villacis, Denise Thalia
In this case study, an analysis of the network structure is carried out, how the Internet traffic flow of the WIFI service of the Technical University of Babahoyo is handled and analyzed, in order to detect possible failures and vulnerabilities that the network presents, A WIFI network analysis tool developed by the Ubiquiti company called WiFiman was used, which measured several main aspects which provided important data and information to study them and reach the relevant conclusions and provide recommendations to the possible failures that said red may have. In this case study, an analysis of the network structure is carried out, how the Internet traffic flow of the WIFI service of the Technical University of Babahoyo is handled and analyzed, in order to detect possible failures and vulnerabilities that the network presents, A WIFI network analysis tool developed by the Ubiquiti company called WiFiman was used, which measured several main aspects which provided important data and information to study them and reach the relevant conclusions and provide recommendations to the possible failures that said red may have. En el presente caso de estudio se realiza un análisis de la estructura de red, como se maneja y se analiza el fluido de trafico de internet del servicio WIFI de la Universidad Técnica De Babahoyo, para así detectar posibles fallas y vulnerabilidades que presente la red, se utilizó una herramienta de análisis de redes WIFI desarrollado por el empresa Ubiquiti llamada WiFiman, la cual permitió medir varios aspectos principales los cuales brindaron datos e información importante para estudiarlos y llegar a las conclusiones pertinentes y brindar recomendaciones a las posibles fallas que tengan dicha red.