Caracterización del cuadro ansioso y los factores resilientes de una persona de 50 años que vive sola en la ciudad de Babahoyo
Camposano Mejia, Maria Gabriela
The present case study has the goal of Indicating the Influence of Anxiety on the Resilient Factors of a 50-year-old person who lives alone in the city of Babahoyo, an event generated by the separation of her then husband and the change of address of her two children, Psychological interventions were developed in person, this case study was executed through cross-sectional research using psychometric tests for the measurement and evaluation of mental traits such as: the Beck Anxiety Inventory and The Plutchik Suicidal Risk Scale to obtain the detected diagnosis. 309.24 (F43.22) Anxiety Adjustment Disorder and the intervention was based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) one of the most used therapies in anxiety management, benefiting the patient with favorable results in her mental health The present case study has the goal of Indicating the Influence of Anxiety on the Resilient Factors of a 50-year-old person who lives alone in the city of Babahoyo, an event generated by the separation of her then husband and the change of address of her two children, Psychological interventions were developed in person, this case study was executed through cross-sectional research using psychometric tests for the measurement and evaluation of mental traits such as: the Beck Anxiety Inventory and The Plutchik Suicidal Risk Scale to obtain the detected diagnosis. 309.24 (F43.22) Anxiety Adjustment Disorder and the intervention was based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) one of the most used therapies in anxiety management, benefiting the patient with favorable results in her mental health El presente estudio de caso posee como meta Indicar la Influencia del Cuadro Ansioso en los Factores Resilientes de una persona de 50 años quien vive sola en la ciudad de Babahoyo, acontecimiento generado por la separación de su entonces esposo y el cambio de domicilio de sus dos hijos, Se desarrolló las intervenciones psicológicas de manera presencial , este estudio de caso se lo ejecuto por medio de la investigación de corte transversal poniendo en uso de test psicométricos destinados a la medición y evaluación de rasgos mentales tales como: el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck y La Escala de riesgo suicida de Plutchik para la obtención del diagnóstico detectado. 309.24 (F43.22) Trastorno de Adaptación con Ansiedad y la intervención fue en base a la TCC (Terapia Cognitivo Conductual) una de las terapias más empleadas en el manejo de ansiedad beneficiando a la paciente con resultados favorables en su salud mental .