Uso de la medicina ancestral en complemento con la medicina occidental en la evolución de pacientes Covid-19 Subcentro de salud 4 de mayo Babahoyo diciembre 2022 - mayo 2023.
Vega Espinoza, Mario Rodolfo
The idea of preparing this document as part of my studies arises from the claim of wanting to systematize my experience as a professional in the Health sector. The importance of Ancestral medicine is not only observed in countries where there are indigenous and developing communities but also in countries developed where the demand for therapeutic alternatives other than that of official health model is increasing. Proof of this are the changes in composition in Health Systems that favor the inclusion of ancestral medicine as well as the recognition of their This process evidenced the absence of scientific studies, methodologically based, that generate information on the number of practitioners, the type of users and the benefits and limitations of ancestral practices. Alternative medicine is an ancient form that seeks to prevent and treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases in the most natural way possible. However, the advances of conventional medicine must be recognized and learn to complement both fields, always giving priority to health. Alternative medicine is the body of knowledge, skills and practices used to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illnesses. It is based on the ancestral knowledge and experiences of native peoples from all over the world. However, after the advent of pharmaceuticals and the different methods used by science in the field of health, alternative medicine was about to disappear. Currently, all over the world you can find spaces that offer alternative medicine services, among which are acupuncture, chiropractic and the use of medicinal plants. It should be noted that each alternative therapy has an energetic component and that the people who generally go to these services do so because they are part of a community that has traditionally implemented this type of medicine or because after many years of conventional treatments they have not seen results. . It may interest you: Medicinal plants to cure ailments and recover ancestral knowledge. Alternative medicine is well regarded to prevent and control ailments and discomforts that are not in a serious state, this taking into account that the ways of eating and working, in addition to the quality of the air and the consumption of medicines from a young age; influence that the scope of alternative treatments is no longer the same as it was hundreds of years ago. It must be recognized that conventional medicine, strongly constituted in science, has had important contributions to the discovery of cures and treatments for diseases that alternative medicine, despite its scope, had not been able to treat. This is why it is recommended to resort to complementary medicine, in which those ancestral knowledges that maintain the vitality of the body and mind are recovered, but that when necessary, are complemented with procedures or treatments to which science has demonstrated its effectiveness. effectiveness. The idea of preparing this document as part of my studies arises from the claim of wanting to systematize my experience as a professional in the Health sector. The importance of Ancestral medicine is not only observed in countries where there are indigenous and developing communities but also in countries developed where the demand for therapeutic alternatives other than that of official health model is increasing. Proof of this are the changes in composition in Health Systems that favor the inclusion of ancestral medicine as well as the recognition of their This process evidenced the absence of scientific studies, methodologically based, that generate information on the number of practitioners, the type of users and the benefits and limitations of ancestral practices. Alternative medicine is an ancient form that seeks to prevent and treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases in the most natural way possible. However, the advances of conventional medicine must be recognized and learn to complement both fields, always giving priority to health. Alternative medicine is the body of knowledge, skills and practices used to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illnesses. It is based on the ancestral knowledge and experiences of native peoples from all over the world. However, after the advent of pharmaceuticals and the different methods used by science in the field of health, alternative medicine was about to disappear. Currently, all over the world you can find spaces that offer alternative medicine services, among which are acupuncture, chiropractic and the use of medicinal plants. It should be noted that each alternative therapy has an energetic component and that the people who generally go to these services do so because they are part of a community that has traditionally implemented this type of medicine or because after many years of conventional treatments they have not seen results. . It may interest you: Medicinal plants to cure ailments and recover ancestral knowledge. Alternative medicine is well regarded to prevent and control ailments and discomforts that are not in a serious state, this taking into account that the ways of eating and working, in addition to the quality of the air and the consumption of medicines from a young age; influence that the scope of alternative treatments is no longer the same as it was hundreds of years ago. It must be recognized that conventional medicine, strongly constituted in science, has had important contributions to the discovery of cures and treatments for diseases that alternative medicine, despite its scope, had not been able to treat. This is why it is recommended to resort to complementary medicine, in which those ancestral knowledges that maintain the vitality of the body and mind are recovered, but that when necessary, are complemented with procedures or treatments to which science has demonstrated its effectiveness. effectiveness. La idea de elaborar este documento como parte de mis estudios surge de la pretensión de querer sistematizar mi experiencia como profesional en el sector salud. La importancia de la medicina Ancestral no solo se observa en países donde existen comunidades indígenas y en vías de desarrollo sino también en países desarrollados donde la demanda de alternativas terapéuticas distintas a la del modelo oficial de salud va en aumento. Prueba de ello son los cambios de composición en los Sistemas de Salud que favorecen la inclusión de la medicina ancestral así como el reconocimiento de sus. Este proceso evidenció la ausencia de estudios científicos, metodológicamente fundamentados, que generen información sobre el número de practicantes, el tipo de usuarios y los beneficios y limitaciones de las prácticas ancestrales. La medicina alternativa es una forma ancestral que busca prevenir y tratar una amplia variedad de dolencias y enfermedades de la forma más natural posible. Sin embargo, se deben reconocer los avances de la medicina convencional y aprender a complementar ambos campos, dando siempre prioridad a la salud. La medicina alternativa es el conjunto de conocimientos, aptitudes y prácticas utilizados para prevenir, diagnosticar, mejorar o tratar enfermedades físicas y mentales. Se basa en los saberes y experiencias ancestrales de los pueblos originarios de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, tras la llegada de los productos farmacéuticos y los distintos métodos empleados por la ciencia en el campo de la salud, la medicina alternativa estuvo a punto de desaparecer. Actualmente, en todo el mundo se pueden encontrar espacios que ofrecen servicios de medicina alternativa, entre los que se encuentra la acupuntura, la quiropráctica y el uso de plantas medicinales. Cabe resaltar que, cada terapia alternativa tiene un componente energético y que las personas que generalmente acuden a estos servicios lo hacen porque hacen parte de una comunidad que tradicionalmente ha implementado este tipo de medicina o porque después de muchos años de tratamientos convencionales no han visto resultados. Le puede interesar: Plantas medicinales para curar dolencias y recuperar saberes ancestrales. La medicina alternativa es bien vista para prevenir y controlar dolencias y malestares que no se encuentran en estado grave, esto teniendo en cuenta que las formas de alimentación y de trabajo, además de la calidad del aire y el consumo de medicamentos desde corta edad; influyen en que el alcance de los tratamientos alternativos ya no sea el mismo que hace cientos de años. Se debe reconocer que, la medicina convencional fuertemente constituida en la ciencia, ha tenido importantes aportes para el descubrimiento de curas y tratamientos de enfermedades que la medicina alternativa a pesar de sus alcances no había podido tratar. Es por esto que se recomienda acudir a la medicina complementaria, en la que se recuperen aquellos saberes ancestrales que mantienen la vitalidad del cuerpo y la mente, pero que cuando sea necesario, se complementen con procedimientos o tratamientos a los que la ciencia ha demostrado su efectividad.