Bronquitis crónica en paciente de sexo femenino de 55 años de edad.
Mindiola Salcedo, Alix Ivanna
Bronchitis is nothing more than inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry oxygen to your lungs. This causes a cough that often contains mucus, it also causes dyspnea, shortness of breath, wheezing, and pressure in the chest. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Most cases of acute bronchitis get better within a few days, but the cough can last for several weeks after the infection has cleared. The cost of treating ARIs is high, due to economic losses (absenteeism from work) and expenses for medicines, hospitalizations, etc. Antibiotics are prescribed in 75% of ARIs and most of the time they are unnecessary, which increases costs and bacterial resistance. It is therefore necessary to develop general strategies for the effective prevention and treatment of chronic respiratory infections (such as bronchitis), systematically evaluate the existing knowledge about ARI, disseminate it and apply it. Bronchitis is nothing more than inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry oxygen to your lungs. This causes a cough that often contains mucus, it also causes dyspnea, shortness of breath, wheezing, and pressure in the chest. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Most cases of acute bronchitis get better within a few days, but the cough can last for several weeks after the infection has cleared. The cost of treating ARIs is high, due to economic losses (absenteeism from work) and expenses for medicines, hospitalizations, etc. Antibiotics are prescribed in 75% of ARIs and most of the time they are unnecessary, which increases costs and bacterial resistance. It is therefore necessary to develop general strategies for the effective prevention and treatment of chronic respiratory infections (such as bronchitis), systematically evaluate the existing knowledge about ARI, disseminate it and apply it. La bronquitis no es otra cosa que la inflamación de los conductos bronquiales, vías respiratorias que llevan oxígeno a sus pulmones. Esta causa una tos que frecuentemente presenta mucosidad, también causa disnea dificultad para respirar, jadeo y presión en el pecho. Existen dos tipos de bronquitis: aguda y crónica. La mayoría de los casos de bronquitis aguda mejora en unos días, pero la tos puede durar varias semanas después de haberse curado la infección. El costo del tratamiento de las IRA es elevado, por pérdidas económicas (ausentismo laboral) y gastos en medicamentos, hospitalizaciones, etc. En el 75% de las IRA se prescriben antibióticos y en la mayoría de las veces son innecesarios, lo que incrementa los costos y la resistencia bacteriana. Es por lo tanto necesario desarrollar estrategias generales para la prevención y tratamiento efectivo de infecciones respiratorias crónicas (como la bronquitis), evaluar sistemáticamente los conocimientos existentes acerca de las IRA, divulgarlos y aplicarlos.