Desarrollo de la motricidad fina con la aplicación de estrategias virtuales en los niños de educación inicial de la Unidad Educativa Isidro Ayora del cantón Ventanas Provincia de Los Ríos
Acosta Enríquez, Paola Cecilia
In the present case study, the research topic is virtual strategies for the importance of fine motor skills in children of initial education "Isidro Ayora" and presents the impact that fine motor skills generated through the virtual modality considering that the techniques and the use of teaching materials will help in the comprehensive development of children and in turn acquiring results that are satisfactory within the field of virtual education.
Fine motor skills are very important since they help the infant to develop their abilities and skills through the application of methodological strategies taught by the teacher, in fact the appropriate techniques help to contribute to the strengthening and wisdom of children of early childhood together to the teaching and learning process.
Of equal importance, the family is integrated in a fundamental way in the development and skills that the child will achieve during his learning process that will allow him to carry out thanks to his knowledge induced by his teacher.
In the same way that the present case study has as its purpose the application of virtual strategy techniques for fine motor skills, achieving its objective that the infant maintains his spirituality of learning and satisfying his knowledge from early childhood with the help or guideline of the teacher. Who will be your guide in this teaching process that will be carried out in your academic knowledge during your school stage and your development in personal and social interaction. In the present case study, the research topic is virtual strategies for the importance of fine motor skills in children of initial education "Isidro Ayora" and presents the impact that fine motor skills generated through the virtual modality considering that the techniques and the use of teaching materials will help in the comprehensive development of children and in turn acquiring results that are satisfactory within the field of virtual education.
Fine motor skills are very important since they help the infant to develop their abilities and skills through the application of methodological strategies taught by the teacher, in fact the appropriate techniques help to contribute to the strengthening and wisdom of children of early childhood together to the teaching and learning process.
Of equal importance, the family is integrated in a fundamental way in the development and skills that the child will achieve during his learning process that will allow him to carry out thanks to his knowledge induced by his teacher.
In the same way that the present case study has as its purpose the application of virtual strategy techniques for fine motor skills, achieving its objective that the infant maintains his spirituality of learning and satisfying his knowledge from early childhood with the help or guideline of the teacher. Who will be your guide in this teaching process that will be carried out in your academic knowledge during your school stage and your development in personal and social interaction. En el presente estudio de caso tiene como tema de investigación estrategias virtuales para la importancia de la motricidad fina en los niños de educación inicial “Isidro Ayora” y presenta el impacto que genero la motricidad fina mediante la modalidad virtual considerando que las técnicas y la utilización de materiales didácticos ayudaran en el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas y su vez adquiriendo resultados que sea satisfactorias dentro del campo de la educación virtual.
La motricidad fina es muy importante puesto que ayuda al infante a desarrollar sus habilidades y destrezas mediante la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas que imparte el docente, de hecho, las técnicas adecuadas ayudan a contribuir el fortalecimiento y sabiduría de los niños y niñas de la primera infancia junto al proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje.
De igual importancia la familia se integra de manera fundamental en el desarrollo y habilidades que el niño vaya alcanzando durante su proceso de aprendizaje que le permitirá llevar a cabo gracias a sus conocimientos inducido por su docente.
Del mismo modo que el presente estudio de caso tiene como finalidad la aplicación de técnicas de estrategias virtuales para la motricidad fina logrando su objetivo que el infante mantenga su espiritualidad de aprender y satisfacer sus conocimientos desde la primera infancia con la ayuda o directriz del docente puesto que será su guía en este proceso de enseñanza que se le efectuará en sus conocimientos académicos durante su etapa escolar y a su desarrollo en la interacción personal y social.