Diseño de una ruta agro-turística del Sector Manga del Cura para el desarrollo económico de las comunidades de la provincia de Manabí, año 2021
Quiroz Rodriguez, Jenny Jacqueline
This research project presents the design of an Agro-Tourism Route for the Manga del Cura sector, Manabí province, bibliographic review techniques were used, and through surveys and interviews, 5 activities with agro-tourism potential and 7 additional tourist attractions were determined being the most prominent the waterfalls the Salto Armadillo, El Pintado, the Canopy sport, ……., from the application of surveys, a sample of 30 participants was also obtained, from whom the knowledge about Agro-tourist routes, the frequency with which they do tourism, the relevant aspect to choose a tourist site, among other tastes and preferences of tourists, could also be known through the interview; the existence of hostels such as: Toñito…. and housing available to receive national and foreign tourists, which combine visits to natural and cultural sites and activities such as fishing, horseback riding, rural cycling, it is proposed to socialize the "Manga del Cura Agro-tourist route, more than a natural paradise ”Through social networks and in agreement with the owners of strategic tourist sites, make reservations for previously established groups of tourists. The design of the Manga del Cura Agro-tourist route is considered sustainable with minimal impacts on the environment, in the socio-economic aspect it presents a positive impact due to the great variety of agro-tourist activities that characterize the area, ranging from fishing to milking cows, from sowing short-cycle products to the industrialization of African palm, in this way the hypothesis raised is verified. The applied scientific methods allowed to observe and verify the causes and effects of the problem to reach a conclusion. It is essential to train community leaders, owners of tourist sites, and other interested people in order to promote sustainable development and contribute positively to the economy of the area. This research project presents the design of an Agro-Tourism Route for the Manga del Cura sector, Manabí province, bibliographic review techniques were used, and through surveys and interviews, 5 activities with agro-tourism potential and 7 additional tourist attractions were determined being the most prominent the waterfalls the Salto Armadillo, El Pintado, the Canopy sport, ……., from the application of surveys, a sample of 30 participants was also obtained, from whom the knowledge about Agro-tourist routes, the frequency with which they do tourism, the relevant aspect to choose a tourist site, among other tastes and preferences of tourists, could also be known through the interview; the existence of hostels such as: Toñito…. and housing available to receive national and foreign tourists, which combine visits to natural and cultural sites and activities such as fishing, horseback riding, rural cycling, it is proposed to socialize the "Manga del Cura Agro-tourist route, more than a natural paradise ”Through social networks and in agreement with the owners of strategic tourist sites, make reservations for previously established groups of tourists. The design of the Manga del Cura Agro-tourist route is considered sustainable with minimal impacts on the environment, in the socio-economic aspect it presents a positive impact due to the great variety of agro-tourist activities that characterize the area, ranging from fishing to milking cows, from sowing short-cycle products to the industrialization of African palm, in this way the hypothesis raised is verified. The applied scientific methods allowed to observe and verify the causes and effects of the problem to reach a conclusion. It is essential to train community leaders, owners of tourist sites, and other interested people in order to promote sustainable development and contribute positively to the economy of the area. Este proyecto de investigación presenta el diseño de una Ruta Agro-Turística para el sector Manga del Cura, provincia de Manabí, se utilizó técnicas de revisión bibliográfica, y mediante encuestas y entrevistas se determinó 5 actividades con potencial agro-turístico y 7 atractivos turísticos adicionales siendo el de mayor preeminencia las cascadas el Salto Armadillo, El Pintado, el deporte Canopy, ……., de la aplicación de encuestas además se obtuvo una muestra de 30 participantes, de los que se determinó el conocimiento sobre rutas Agro-turísticas, la frecuencia con que realizan turismo, el aspecto relevante para elegir un sitio turístico, entre otros gustos y preferencias de los turistas, también se pudo conocer mediante la entrevista; la existencia de hostales como: Toñito…. y de viviendas disponibles para recibir turistas nacionales y extranjeros, que combinan visitas a sitios naturales y culturales y realización de actividades tales como pesca, cabalgatas, ciclismo rural, se propone socializar la “ruta Agro-turística Manga del Cura, más que un paraíso natural” mediante las redes sociales y en convenio con los propietarios de los sitios turísticos estratégicos hacer reservaciones para grupos de turistas previamente establecido. El diseño de la ruta Agro-turística Manga del Cura, se considera sustentable con impactos mínimos en el medioambiente, en el aspecto socio-económico presenta un impacto positivo por la gran variedad de actividades agro-turísticas que caracterizan a la zona, que van desde la pesca hasta el ordeño de vacas, desde la siembra de productos de ciclo corto hasta la industrialización de la palma africana, de esta forma queda comprobada la hipótesis planteada. Los métodos científicos aplicados permitieron observar y verificar las causas y efectos de la problemática para conseguir una conclusión. Se hace imprescindible capacitar a los líderes comunitarios, propietarios de sitios turísticos, y demás personas interesadas con el fin promover el desarrollo sostenible y aportar positivamente a la economía de la zona.