Proceso de Atención de Enfermería a paciente pediátrico con estafilodermia en el área de pediatría del hospital Universitario de Guayaquil.
Segura León, Raí Fernando
Staphyloderma or scalded skin syndrome is defined as an acute epidermolysis caused by a staphylococcal toxin, in which infants and children under 6 years of age are more likely to get it. The lesion at the beginning is usually superficial and crusty. In the next 24 hours, the skin becomes scarlet and painful, which quickly spreads to other areas. Flaky areas appear scalded. The wear of the barrier protection that the skin has can cause sepsis and hydroelectrolytic imbalances. The diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion, although confirmation usually requires a biopsy. Biopsy samples show the appearance of a superficial detachment in the non-inflammatory epidermis. The treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics according to their weight and the severity of the skin lesions. Staphyloderma or scalded skin syndrome is defined as an acute epidermolysis caused by a staphylococcal toxin, in which infants and children under 6 years of age are more likely to get it. The lesion at the beginning is usually superficial and crusty. In the next 24 hours, the skin becomes scarlet and painful, which quickly spreads to other areas. Flaky areas appear scalded. The wear of the barrier protection that the skin has can cause sepsis and hydroelectrolytic imbalances. The diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion, although confirmation usually requires a biopsy. Biopsy samples show the appearance of a superficial detachment in the non-inflammatory epidermis. The treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics according to their weight and the severity of the skin lesions. La estafilodermia o síndrome de piel escaldada se define como una epidermólisis aguda causada por una toxina estafilocócica, en el cual los lactantes y niños menores de 6 años de edad son más propensos a contraerla. La lesión al inicio suele ser superficial y costrosa. En las 24 horas posteriores, la piel se vuelve color escarlata y dolorosa, lo cual se extienden con rapidez hacia otras zonas. Las áreas descamadas aparecen escaldadas. El desgaste de la protección de la barrera que tiene la piel puede producir una sepsis y desequilibrios hidroelectrolíticos. El diagnóstico se basa en la sospecha clínica, aunque la confirmación suele solicitar de una biopsia. Las muestras para biopsia muestran la apariencia de un desprendimiento superficial en la epidermis no inflamatorio. El tratamiento consiste en la administración de antibióticos según su peso y la gravedad de las lesiones cutáneas.