Análisis para la Implementación de un Servidor de servicios para la Unidad de Gestión Documental y Archivo de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo.
Moran Morales, Giancarlo Geovanny
There are many organizations that still manage the documentation by means of email and clouds (Clouds) created at the moment, this not only favors the loss of time and productivity, but also causes the information to be lost and unreliable, because it does not exist control over updated and sent documents with the proliferation of folders in emails and in the clouds. As what happens in the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, as in the other Faculties that are part of the Technical University of Ambato, a large amount of information is generated, which circulates among the different departments that they have, it is for this reason, the sending and receiving of the different documents is done physically. The same ones that after meeting various requirements and going through various processes are approved or rejected, these processes are currently carried out manually, which leads to different deficiencies when continuing the processes, which is why it has been seen the need to automate the aforementioned processes to improve significantly in various aspects such as: Saving paper, avoiding the loss of important documents, streamlining processes and especially in their execution and monitoring. One of the problems is the huge volumes of documents, which over the years become economically unsustainable and eventually deteriorate due to the end of the useful life of the paper from which they were printed. One of the problems in his research was that since there is no adequate management of the information, which does not allow for an organized structure, which makes it difficult to access the particular aspects with which the organization is formed, such as: size, type of activity, capital, number of employees, optimization and automation of processes, communications, information management and technological infrastructure; This also means that the budgets for both creation and operation are manageable by the different companies, in order to plan and manage the information that is generated and circulates within the organizations. According to the internal regulations for document management and the Archive of the University of the Arts, those responsible for reception and document managers are in charge of the digitization process in each unit; This entails a series of steps combined with archival techniques for dematerialization that will guarantee the fidelity and completeness of the information that rests in the institution. Therefore, in this case study, the Implementation of a Service Server for the Document and Archive Management Unit of the Technical University of Babahoyo will be analyzed. As a solution, it is expected to use a server for the optimal functioning of the management systems, since that the information of the departments must be well protected, by this we mean that each unit will use the information in its management period and once it has completed its process, it will be sent to the general archive where it will be digitized and uploaded to the service server of the Document Management and Archive Unit. Once its management time has expired, it will be sent to the expungement and all the information will be available on the servers and will be used by the institution. There are many organizations that still manage the documentation by means of email and clouds (Clouds) created at the moment, this not only favors the loss of time and productivity, but also causes the information to be lost and unreliable, because it does not exist control over updated and sent documents with the proliferation of folders in emails and in the clouds. As what happens in the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, as in the other Faculties that are part of the Technical University of Ambato, a large amount of information is generated, which circulates among the different departments that they have, it is for this reason, the sending and receiving of the different documents is done physically. The same ones that after meeting various requirements and going through various processes are approved or rejected, these processes are currently carried out manually, which leads to different deficiencies when continuing the processes, which is why it has been seen the need to automate the aforementioned processes to improve significantly in various aspects such as: Saving paper, avoiding the loss of important documents, streamlining processes and especially in their execution and monitoring. One of the problems is the huge volumes of documents, which over the years become economically unsustainable and eventually deteriorate due to the end of the useful life of the paper from which they were printed. One of the problems in his research was that since there is no adequate management of the information, which does not allow for an organized structure, which makes it difficult to access the particular aspects with which the organization is formed, such as: size, type of activity, capital, number of employees, optimization and automation of processes, communications, information management and technological infrastructure; This also means that the budgets for both creation and operation are manageable by the different companies, in order to plan and manage the information that is generated and circulates within the organizations. According to the internal regulations for document management and the Archive of the University of the Arts, those responsible for reception and document managers are in charge of the digitization process in each unit; This entails a series of steps combined with archival techniques for dematerialization that will guarantee the fidelity and completeness of the information that rests in the institution. Therefore, in this case study, the Implementation of a Service Server for the Document and Archive Management Unit of the Technical University of Babahoyo will be analyzed. As a solution, it is expected to use a server for the optimal functioning of the management systems, since that the information of the departments must be well protected, by this we mean that each unit will use the information in its management period and once it has completed its process, it will be sent to the general archive where it will be digitized and uploaded to the service server of the Document Management and Archive Unit. Once its management time has expired, it will be sent to the expungement and all the information will be available on the servers and will be used by the institution. Existen muchas organizaciones que aún administran la documentación por medio correo electrónico y de nubes (Clouds) creadas al momento, esto no solo favorece la pérdida de tiempo y productividad, sino que hace que la información se pierda y no sea confiable, debido que no existe un control sobre documentos actualizados y enviados con la proliferación de carpetas en los en los correos y en las nubes. Como lo que sucede en la Facultad de Ciencia e Ingeniería en Alimentos, al igual que en las demás Facultades que forman parte de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato se genera gran cantidad de información, la cual circula entre los diferentes departamentos con los que cuentan, es por esta razón que se realiza de forma física el envío y recepción de los diferentes documentos. Los mismos que tras cumplir varios requerimientos y pasar por varios procesos son aprobados o rechazados, estos procesos en la actualidad se los realizan de forma manual lo que conlleva a diferentes deficiencias al momento de dar continuidad a los procesos, es por esto que se ha visto la necesidad de automatizar los procesos antes mencionados para mejorar significativamente en varios aspectos como por ejemplo: El ahorro del papel, evitar la pérdida de documentos importantes, agilizar los procesos y sobre todo en la ejecución y seguimiento de los mismos. Una de las problemáticas son los volúmenes inmensos de documentos, que con el transcurso de los años estos se vuelven insostenibles económicamente y a la larga estos se deterioran por el cumplimiento de la vida útil del papel del que fue impreso. Una de las problemáticas en su investigación fue que al no existir un manejo adecuado de la información, que no permite tener una estructura organizada, lo cual dificulta el acceso hacia los aspectos particulares con los que está formada la organización tales como: tamaño, tipo de actividad, capital, número de empleados, optimización y automatización de los procesos, comunicaciones, gestión de la información e infraestructura tecnológica; esto igual genera que los presupuestos tanto de creación como de operación sean manejables por las distintas empresas, con la finalidad de planificar y gestionar la información que se genera y circula dentro de las organizaciones. Según el reglamento interno de la gestión documental y Archivo de la Universidad de las Artes, los responsables de la recepción y los gestores documentales son los encargados del proceso de digitalización en cada unidad; este conlleva una serie de pasos conjugados con técnicas archivísticas para la desmaterialización que garantizarán la fidelidad e integralidad de la información que reposa en la institución. Por lo cual en este caso de estudio se va analizará la Implementación de un Servidor de servicios para la Unidad de Gestión Documental y Archivo de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo Como solución se espera utilizar un servidor para el óptimo funcionamiento de los sistemas de gestión por cuanto que la información de los departamentos deberá estar a buen resguardo, con esto queremos decir que cada unidad utilizará la información en su período de gestión y una vez que ha cumplido su proceso, será enviada al archivo general donde será digitalizada y subida al servidor de servicios de la Unidad de Gestión Documental y Archivo. Una vez cumplido su tiempo de gestión será enviada a expurgo y toda la información estará disponible en los servidores y será utilizada por la institución.