Efectos de Programas de fertilización edáfico-foliar más microorganismos eficientes en el cultivo de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.), Cantón Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno
Aucancela Pilco, Jhony Patricio
The experimental work was carried out at the “Comargara S.A. “Property of Mr. Marco Pineda, in the Jujan - Guayas canton. the UTM coordinates are 656 666.814 E and 9783501.198 N, with a height of 7 meters above sea level. The area has a tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 25.5 ° C, annual precipitation 855.1 mm, relative humidity of 81%. the soil is deep with clay texture, drainage and regular fertility. The material that was used for the sowing was p83g19 certified seed, 10 treatments were carried out with three repetitions plus the absolute control, the design that was applied was complete random blocks with 3 repetitions. The treatments studied consisted of the combination of 3 levels of fertilization with N, P, K, Mg and S, + 3 levels of Raizone + 3 levels of Micro-Rhiz. The variables evaluated were plant height, days to flowering, days to maturation, height of insertion of the panicle, diameter and length of the panicle, weight of 100 grains, grains per panicle, grain yield and partial productivity per nutrient. The level of edaphic fertilizers made up of 100-40-70-20-15 (kg / ha) of N, P, K, Mg, S, respectively, showed the plants with the highest height and the physiological maturation in the absolute control was observed at 131 days after sowing. The treatment consisting of 120-60-90-25-20 (kg / ha) of N, P, K, Mg, S, in their order, presented the best results in the variables of panicle length, number of grains per panicle and performance. Given the above, it is recommended to apply soil and foliar fertilizers with a fertilization program: Nitrogen 120 kg / ha - phosphorus 90 kg / ha - potassium 90 kg / ha - magnesium 25 kg / ha - sulfur 20 kg / ha, Raizone 0.5 l / ha + microRhiz 1.0 l / ha. VIII SUMMARY
The experimental work was carried out at the “Comargara S.A. “Property of Mr. Marco Pineda, in the Jujan - Guayas canton. the UTM coordinates are 656 666.814 E and 9783501.198 N, with a height of 7 meters above sea level. The area has a tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 25.5 ° C, annual precipitation 855.1 mm, relative humidity of 81%. the soil is deep with clay texture, drainage and regular fertility. The material that was used for the sowing was p83g19 certified seed, 10 treatments were carried out with three repetitions plus the absolute control, the design that was applied was complete random blocks with 3 repetitions. The treatments studied consisted of the combination of 3 levels of fertilization with N, P, K, Mg and S, + 3 levels of Raizone + 3 levels of Micro-Rhiz. The variables evaluated were plant height, days to flowering, days to maturation, height of insertion of the panicle, diameter and length of the panicle, weight of 100 grains, grains per panicle, grain yield and partial productivity per nutrient. The level of edaphic fertilizers made up of 100-40-70-20-15 (kg / ha) of N, P, K, Mg, S, respectively, showed the plants with the highest height and the physiological maturation in the absolute control was observed at 131 days after sowing. The treatment consisting of 120-60-90-25-20 (kg / ha) of N, P, K, Mg, S, in their order, presented the best results in the variables of panicle length, number of grains per panicle and performance. Given the above, it is recommended to apply soil and foliar fertilizers with a fertilization program: Nitrogen 120 kg / ha - phosphorus 90 kg / ha - potassium 90 kg / ha - magnesium 25 kg / ha - sulfur 20 kg / ha, Raizone 0.5 l / ha + microRhiz 1.0 l / ha. VII RESUMEN
El trabajo experimental se ejecutó en la finca “Comargara S.A. “propiedad del Sr. Marco Pineda, en el cantón Jujan – Guayas. las coordenadas UTM son 656666.814 E y 9783501.198 N, con una altura de 7 msnm. La zona presenta un clima tropical, con una temperatura media anual de 25,5 °c, precipitación anual 855.1 mm, humedad relativa de 81%. el suelo es profundo de textura arcillosa, drenaje y fertilidad regular. El material que se utilizó para la siembra fue p83g19 semilla certificada, se realizó 10 tratamientos con tres repeticiones más el testigo absoluto, el diseño que se aplico fue Bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones. Los tratamientos estudiados consistieron en la combinación de 3 niveles de fertilización con N, P, K, Mg y S, + 3 niveles de Raizone + 3 niveles de Micro – Rhiz. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta, días a la floración, días a la maduración, altura de inserción de la panoja, diámetro y longitud de la panoja, peso de 100 granos, granos por panoja, rendimiento de grano y productividad parcial por nutriente. El nivel de fertilizantes edáficos conformado por 100-40-70-20-15 (kg/ha) de N, P, K, Mg, S, respectivamente presentaron las plantas con mayor altura y la maduración fisiológica en el testigo absoluto se observó a los 131 días después de la siembra. El tratamiento conformado por 120-60-90-25-20 (kg/ha) de N, P, K, Mg, S, en su orden presentaron los mejores resultados en las variables longitud de la panoja, numero de granos por panoja y rendimiento. Ante lo expuesto, se recomienda Efectuar las aplicaciones de fertilizantes edáficos y foliares con un programa de fertilización: Nitrógeno 120 kg/ha– fosforo 90 kg/ha – potasio 90 kg/ha – magnesio 25 kg/ha – azufre 20 kg/ha, Raizone 0,5 l/ha + microRhiz 1,0 l/ha.