Distrofia endotelial en paciente femenino de 55 años.
Zapata Benavides, Neyder Aldahir
In our daily work as professionals in the field of optometry, every day it is more necessary and important to play the role of professional in primary care in visual health. The vast majority of patients who come to our consultations have ocular conditions that require greater techniques in their management. In a great number of times, these conditions are quite manifest. But in a large number of cases it is necessary to strictly follow an action protocol that reveals the identity of these pathologies. The case at hand is that of a patient who goes to the consultation mentioning a general picture of ocular irritation intermittently and sporadically, the patient also mentions seeing as if she had a veil in front of her eyes. They never mentioned an explanation about the etiology of her condition and she commented on the progress of her eye discomfort. After a detailed optometric and ophthalmological examination, a Fuch endothelial dystrophy was found as the cause of her problem due to the different characteristic signs of this disease that the patient presented. In our daily work as professionals in the field of optometry, every day it is more necessary and important to play the role of professional in primary care in visual health. The vast majority of patients who come to our consultations have ocular conditions that require greater techniques in their management. In a great number of times, these conditions are quite manifest. But in a large number of cases it is necessary to strictly follow an action protocol that reveals the identity of these pathologies. The case at hand is that of a patient who goes to the consultation mentioning a general picture of ocular irritation intermittently and sporadically, the patient also mentions seeing as if she had a veil in front of her eyes. They never mentioned an explanation about the etiology of her condition and she commented on the progress of her eye discomfort. After a detailed optometric and ophthalmological examination, a Fuch endothelial dystrophy was found as the cause of her problem due to the different characteristic signs of this disease that the patient presented. En nuestro trabajo diario como profesionales en el campo de la optometría cada día es más necesario e importante desempeñar la función de profesional en atención primaria en salud visual. Gran mayoría de los pacientes que se dirigen a nuestras consultas tienen condiciones oculares que requieren mayores técnicas en el manejo de las mismas. En gran número de veces, estas condiciones son bastante manifiestas, pero en gran número de casos es necesario seguir un protocolo de actuación con rigurosidad que revele su identidad de esas patologías. El caso que nos ocupa es el de una paciente que se dirige a consulta mencionando un cuadro general de irritación ocular de forma intermitente y esporádica también la paciente menciona ver como si tuviera un velo delante de sus ojos. Nunca le mencionaron una explicación sobre la etiología de su condición y comentaba el avance de sus molestias oculares. Tras un detallado examen optométrico y oftalmológico, se encuentra como causa de su problema una distrofia endotelial de Fuch por los diferentes signos característicos de esta enfermedad que el paciente presento.