Ambiente áulico y su influencia en el aprendizaje constructivista en los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa María Astudillo de Babahoyo. 2022
Chalé Merelo, Alex Enrique
Classroom learning environments are spaces where the teaching and learning process occurs between the teacher and the students, where students can feel comfortable in their space and are ready for learning, it is not limited to a physical space, it can be many contexts, Nowadays, learning spaces are flexible and ready to meet the needs of students, compared to traditional education, education has had a great change, for example, thanks to technology, virtual learning environments have been created.
However, in a learning environment, it is very important to take into account that they must be adequate and ready to the needs of the students, ensuring that they can have a good displacement for both the teacher and the students, having the necessary memories. to condition the learning space, in addition to having a good relationship and communication within the classroom where the ideas of both the teacher and the student and among classmates flow, in this way a constructivist learning is achieved, where the student develops by himself creating your own knowledge.
The constructivist method is the way that the teacher has to work with the students, helping the student to acquire their knowledge by themselves, thanks to the resources found in their learning spaces, constructivist learning is about the student make mistakes and through them be able to learn, the student builds his own knowledge and learns at his own pace, it is necessary for the teacher to know the learning pace of the students since everyone learns differently and get used to and be patient in this process. Classroom learning environments are spaces where the teaching and learning process occurs between the teacher and the students, where students can feel comfortable in their space and are ready for learning, it is not limited to a physical space, it can be many contexts, Nowadays, learning spaces are flexible and ready to meet the needs of students, compared to traditional education, education has had a great change, for example, thanks to technology, virtual learning environments have been created.
However, in a learning environment, it is very important to take into account that they must be adequate and ready to the needs of the students, ensuring that they can have a good displacement for both the teacher and the students, having the necessary memories. to condition the learning space, in addition to having a good relationship and communication within the classroom where the ideas of both the teacher and the student and among classmates flow, in this way a constructivist learning is achieved, where the student develops by himself creating your own knowledge.
The constructivist method is the way that the teacher has to work with the students, helping the student to acquire their knowledge by themselves, thanks to the resources found in their learning spaces, constructivist learning is about the student make mistakes and through them be able to learn, the student builds his own knowledge and learns at his own pace, it is necessary for the teacher to know the learning pace of the students since everyone learns differently and get used to and be patient in this process. Los ambientes áulicos de aprendizaje son espacios donde ocurre el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje entre el docente y los estudiantes, donde los estudiantes puedan sentirse a gusto en su espacio y prestos para el aprendizaje, no se limita a un espacio físico pueden ser muchos contextos, hoy en la actualidad los espacios de aprendizajes son flexibles y presto a las necesidades de los estudiante, en comparación con la educación tradicional, la educación ha tenido un gran cambio, por ejemplo, gracias a la tecnología se ha creado ambientes de aprendizajes virtuales.
Sin embargo en un ambientes de aprendizajes, es muy importante tener en cuenta que deben de ser adecuados y prestos a las necesidades de los estudiantes, permitiendo que puedan tener un buen desplazamiento tanto para el docente como para los estudiantes, el contar con los recueros necesarios para acondicionar el espacio de aprendizaje, además de contar con una buena relación y comunicación dentro del aula donde fluyan las ideas tanto del docente como del estudiante y entre compañeros, de esta manera se logra un aprendizaje constructivista, donde el estudiante se desenvuelve por sí solo creando su propio conocimiento.
El método constructivista es la manera que el docente tiene para trabajar con los estudiantes, ayudando a que el estudiante adquiera sus conocimientos por sí mismo, gracias a los recursos que se encuentran en sus espacios de aprendizaje, el aprendizaje constructivista se trata de que el estudiante cometa errores y a través de ellos poder aprender, el estudiante construye su propio conocimiento y aprende a su ritmo, es necesario que el docente sepa el ritmo de aprendizaje de los estudiante ya que todos aprenden de forma diferente y acostumbrarse y tener paciencia en ente proceso.