Análisis de los sistemas de producción asociados en el cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa) y especies aviares (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus).
Vargas Mora, Mayco Marcelo
In view of the urgent need to supply food to the growing society, it is necessary to find ways to grow rice with minimal impacts on the environment, which generates sufficient profit for the farmers who are dedicated to this activity. The cultivation of rice in association with ducks is an agroecological alternative that allows reducing the use of external inputs such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, products that threaten human health and use the deterioration of the environment, on the other hand This cultivation technique increases the profits of the rice farmers by having a higher production of better quality with the additional of having the meat and eggs of the ducks. The benefit of this method extends to the fertility of the soil on a continuous basis, the ducks constantly supply organic matter through the excreta and by the activity of the muddling that they do with the legs, which facilitates the incorporation and decomposition of the organic component of the soil that over time becomes a stable source of organic fertilizers. The biocontrol of weeds carried out by ducks is very effective, the ducks feed on these, preventing their development within the crop, as well as clouding the water as a result of their activity within the crop, it prevents the growth of weeds, which reduces the use of herbicides Almost entirely. In view of the urgent need to supply food to the growing society, it is necessary to find ways to grow rice with minimal impacts on the environment, which generates sufficient profit for the farmers who are dedicated to this activity. The cultivation of rice in association with ducks is an agroecological alternative that allows reducing the use of external inputs such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, products that threaten human health and use the deterioration of the environment, on the other hand This cultivation technique increases the profits of the rice farmers by having a higher production of better quality with the additional of having the meat and eggs of the ducks. The benefit of this method extends to the fertility of the soil on a continuous basis, the ducks constantly supply organic matter through the excreta and by the activity of the muddling that they do with the legs, which facilitates the incorporation and decomposition of the organic component of the soil that over time becomes a stable source of organic fertilizers. The biocontrol of weeds carried out by ducks is very effective, the ducks feed on these, preventing their development within the crop, as well as clouding the water as a result of their activity within the crop, it prevents the growth of weeds, which reduces the use of herbicides Almost entirely. En vista de la urgente necesidad de abastecer de alimentos a la creciente sociedad se requiere encontrar formas de cultivar arroz con impactos mínimos en el medio ambiente, que genere ganancia suficiente para los agricultores que a esta actividad se dedican.
El cultivo de arroz en asociación con patos es una alternativa agroecológica que permite reducir el uso de insumos externos como lo son los fertilizantes químicos, los pesticidas y herbicidas, productos que atentan contra la salud humana y contribuyen al deterioro del medio ambiente, por otra parte, esta técnica del cultivo incrementa las ganancias de los arroceros al tener una mayor producción de mejor calidad con el adicional de disponer de la carne y los huevos de los patos.
El beneficio de este método se extiende a la fertilidad del suelo de forma continua, los patos al suministrar constantemente materia orgánica a través de las excretas y por la actividad del fangueo que hacen con las patas con lo que facilitan la incorporación y descomposición de componente orgánico del suelo que con el tiempo se convierte en una fuente estable de fertilizantes orgánicos.
El biocontrol de arvenses realizado por los patos es muy eficaz, los patos se alimentan de estas impidiendo su desarrollo dentro del cultivo además al enturbiar el agua producto de su actividad dentro del cultivo impide el crecimiento de las malezas, lo que reduce significativamente el uso de herbicidas casi en su totalidad.