Periodismo digital como parte de la formación profesional de los comunicadores, de la ciudad de Quevedo, año 2020
Sánchez Campuzano, Mayerli Juliana
Digital journalism is adapting to society through the Internet phenomenon, a multimedia and interactive communication medium has been born that represents a new way of elaborating, structuring and disseminating news. The digital age has affected the field of communication media that faces increasing challenges to capture the interest and maintain the loyalty of the audience through the use of an appropriate language and dynamic audiovisual resources such as photography, audio and video. However, digital journalism provides advantages and helps communicators to grow professionally, facing challenges that lead to technological and social changes. Digital journalism is adapting to society through the Internet phenomenon, a multimedia and interactive communication medium has been born that represents a new way of elaborating, structuring and disseminating news. The digital age has affected the field of communication media that faces increasing challenges to capture the interest and maintain the loyalty of the audience through the use of an appropriate language and dynamic audiovisual resources such as photography, audio and video. However, digital journalism provides advantages and helps communicators to grow professionally, facing challenges that lead to technological and social changes. El periodismo digital se está adaptando a la sociedad a través del fenómeno internet, ha nacido un medio de comunicación multimedia e interactiva que supone una nueva forma de elaborar, estructurar y difundir las noticias. La era digital ha afectado al ámbito de los medios de comunicación que enfrenta retos cada vez mayores para captar el interés y mantener la fidelidad de la audiencia mediante el uso de un lenguaje apropiado y de recursos audiovisuales dinámicos como la fotografía, audio y video. Sin embargo, el periodismo digital proporciona ventajas y ayuda a los comunicadores a crecer profesionalmente, realizando desafíos que conllevan a cambios tecnológicos y sociales.