Análisis de los factores de emprendimiento turístico como opción de autoempleo en el sector servicios
Navarrete Rueda, Roxana Abigail
This study deals with the analysis of the factors of tourism entrepreneurship as a self-employment option in the service sector, in the graduate students of Hospitality and Tourism of the Technical University of Babahoyo in the Babahoyo canton, a qualitative research was used , the interview and survey technique was applied, which were very useful for data collection, the sample was of 20 graduates, 55% of them are female, and 45% are male, the age range predominates between 21 to 30 years with 55%, 70% belong to rural areas, 50% consider that the offer of the Hospitality and Tourism career should be promoted to obtain employment options and strengthen tourism entrepreneurship, 52% are unemployed, 75% consider they have the professional training, experience and knowledge suitable for the development of tourism entrepreneurship activities, but the lack of work forces them to be self-employed, 55% ind They said that the scarce economic resource prevents them from undertaking and accessing loans for procedures is very tedious, 29% have a business in the service sector, technology has been helpful to be able to undertake. It is concluded that self-employment in Tourism graduates is at a low level, due to several factors, such as learning about entrepreneurship programs, financing, little motivation at the University about entrepreneurship, support from the national and local government. This study deals with the analysis of the factors of tourism entrepreneurship as a self-employment option in the service sector, in the graduate students of Hospitality and Tourism of the Technical University of Babahoyo in the Babahoyo canton, a qualitative research was used , the interview and survey technique was applied, which were very useful for data collection, the sample was of 20 graduates, 55% of them are female, and 45% are male, the age range predominates between 21 to 30 years with 55%, 70% belong to rural areas, 50% consider that the offer of the Hospitality and Tourism career should be promoted to obtain employment options and strengthen tourism entrepreneurship, 52% are unemployed, 75% consider they have the professional training, experience and knowledge suitable for the development of tourism entrepreneurship activities, but the lack of work forces them to be self-employed, 55% ind They said that the scarce economic resource prevents them from undertaking and accessing loans for procedures is very tedious, 29% have a business in the service sector, technology has been helpful to be able to undertake. It is concluded that self-employment in Tourism graduates is at a low level, due to several factors, such as learning about entrepreneurship programs, financing, little motivation at the University about entrepreneurship, support from the national and local government. El presente estudio trata sobre el análisis de los factores de emprendimiento turístico como opción de autoempleo en el sector servicios, en los estudiantes egresados de Hotelería y Turismo de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, se utilizó una investigación de tipo cualitativa, se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista y encuesta que fueron de mucha utilidad para la recolección de datos, la muestra fue de 20 egresados, el 55% de son del género femenino, y el 45% son masculino, el rango de edad predomino entre los 21 a 30 años con el 55%, el 70% pertenecen a la zona rural, el 50% consideran que se debe promover la oferta de la carrera de Hotelería y Turismo para obtener opciones de empleo y fortalecer el emprendimiento turístico, el 52% están desempleados, el 75% consideran tener la formación profesional, experiencia y conocimientos idóneos para el desarrollo de actividades de emprendimiento Turístico, pero la falta de trabajo les obliga a autoemplearse, el 55% indicaron que el escaso recurso económico les impide emprender y acceder a créditos por trámites es muy tedioso, el 29% cuentan con un emprendimiento en el sector servicios, la tecnología ha sido de ayuda para poder emprender. Se concluye que el autoempleo en los egresados de Turismo está en un nivel medio, debido a varios factores, como financiamiento y apoyo del gobierno nacional y local.