Paciente femenino de 23 años de edad con pseudomiopia y xeroftalmia.
Rosado Cadena, Linda Geraldine
Pseudomyopia indicates the state in which an increase in refractive power is produced by the contraction of the ciliary body. This is a reversible form of myopia. Knowing this, the current work is justified because this disease is treated as a global health issue. , the interest of different organizations will be clear, which will open the door for us to implement treatments that improve the quality of life of our patients who have the aforementioned vision problems, the main objective is to describe the clinical picture of Pseudomyopia and xerophthalmia and its epidemiology in a 23-year-old female patient, this clinical case is about a 23-year-old patient who goes to the doctor because she has vision problems and therefore learning problems, to reach her diagnosis she was given a very extensive questionnaire about her medical history , ocular and symptoms, with the aforementioned, the analysis and description of the behaviors that determine the origin of the problem was carried out and the procedures to be performed, then the patient was followed up due to the patient's accommodation problem, the patient decided on a treatment based on visual therapy for a period of 10 weeks with the aim of changing visual hygiene habits, eliminate the symptoms, normalize the symptoms, the value of accommodation and integrate them into the vergences. and ocular movements, concluding that the adequate treatment in patients with Pseudomyopia and xerophthalmia for their recovery is the use of retinol, the use of ocular surface hydration with artificial tears, this complemented with visual therapy. Pseudomyopia indicates the state in which an increase in refractive power is produced by the contraction of the ciliary body. This is a reversible form of myopia. Knowing this, the current work is justified because this disease is treated as a global health issue. , the interest of different organizations will be clear, which will open the door for us to implement treatments that improve the quality of life of our patients who have the aforementioned vision problems, the main objective is to describe the clinical picture of Pseudomyopia and xerophthalmia and its epidemiology in a 23-year-old female patient, this clinical case is about a 23-year-old patient who goes to the doctor because she has vision problems and therefore learning problems, to reach her diagnosis she was given a very extensive questionnaire about her medical history , ocular and symptoms, with the aforementioned, the analysis and description of the behaviors that determine the origin of the problem was carried out and the procedures to be performed, then the patient was followed up due to the patient's accommodation problem, the patient decided on a treatment based on visual therapy for a period of 10 weeks with the aim of changing visual hygiene habits, eliminate the symptoms, normalize the symptoms, the value of accommodation and integrate them into the vergences. and ocular movements, concluding that the adequate treatment in patients with Pseudomyopia and xerophthalmia for their recovery is the use of retinol, the use of ocular surface hydration with artificial tears, this complemented with visual therapy. La Pseudomiopía, indica el estado en que se produce un aumento del poder refractivo por la contracción del cuerpo ciliar, esta es una forma reversible de miopía, sabiendo esto el actual trabajo se justifica debido a que esta enfermedad es tratada como un tema de salud mundial, será claro el interés de diferentes organizaciones, lo que nos abrirá la puerta para implementar tratamientos que mejoren la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes que tienen los problemas de visión antes mencionado, el objetivo principal es Describir el cuadro clínico de Pseudomiopía y xeroftalmia y su epidemiología en paciente femenino de 23 años, este caso clínico es acerca de un paciente de 23 años que acude al médico porque tiene problemas de visión y por ende de aprendizaje, para llegar a su diagnóstico se le realizó un cuestionario muy extenso sobre su historia médica, ocular y los síntomas, con lo antes mencionado se realizó el análisis y descripción de las conductas que determinan el origen del problema y de los procedimientos a realizar, luego se realizo el seguimiento del paciente que debido al problema de acomodación del paciente, el paciente decidió un tratamiento basado en la terapia visual por un período de 10 semanas con el objetivo de cambiar los hábitos de higiene visual, eliminar los síntomas, normalizar los síntomas, el valor de la acomodación e integrarlos en las vergencias. y movimientos oculares, concluyendo que el tratamiento adecuado en los pacientes con Pseudomiopía Y xeroftalmia para su recuperación es el uso de retinol, el uso de la hidratación de superficie ocular con lágrimas artificiales, esto complementado con la terapia visual.